Now Sheriff Lucas Hood "The 5 Stages of Geopolitical Grief 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Paying in Rubles" -jc slater ---- This is one of the most concise ways to relay the concept of how to think critically I have ever seen. I can do X with 0 consequence and it isn't done If I do Y I am punished but people are doing Y more than X. Thus there is some compelling reason people are doing Y and you should fucking pay attention to what these people are saying because it's costing them to say it. ---- My understanding is that modern man mostly emerged (as in the core component to the races that exist today) around the fertile crescent and not Africa. However, there were other hominid species elsewhere like the Neanderthals (1) and Cro-magon (2) man in Europe that transformed the nomadic Semitic tribes that wandered into Europa into European 'Whites' The thinking is that Cro-mag is where we got some of our keenness and lethality from and Neanderthals were where we got the communal spirit, tolerance of others, and intelligence that allowed us to band together, coexist with animals, and work together to survive the harsh winters, forming what we would call high-trust societies. However those same traits made Neanderthals poor survivors to a more cunning and violent adversary and they were killed off and driven towards the east Asian area in 1-3 distinct emigration waves. The Denisovans (3) were copper colored so not east Asian but west Asian, like what you see around India. It is likely they have some of the same semitic origins mixed in like all of us do and were less violent, ethical, and intelligent because those traits weren't needed in warmer climates like they were in the north. The east Asians actually have more Neanderthal than we do and it is thought got at least two waves of fleeing Neanderthals, which explains their passivity and uniform drone like characteristics. They are more intelligent overall but have less variability in their bell curve; thus fewer incidence of geniuses and morons than Whites do. East Asians are also the only baby that does not fight back if you block their airwaves by pinching their nose and covering their mouth as they lack the cro-mag admixture which sharpened Whites. Denisovans spread around much of Asia to one degree or another so you would see their influence more in Cambodia than you would in Korea and perhaps even in a small degree around the horn of Africa like Somolia, which was an early area of ancient civilization along with Egypt. They may have also played a role in the island tribes of the indo-pacific and even in settling the native Americans in the Western Hemisphere. It is thought that the earliest East Asian inhabitants with higher Denisovan admixture were driven out of east Asia and came across the land bridge between Russia and Alaska and settled the Western hemisphere as native Americans. Of course the peoples heavier with Denisovan ancestry would be driven out of east Asia being that they were more unpredictable, less intelligent, and less ethical than the uniform tribal societies (thank you Neanderthals for your final contribution to humanity before you died out) that won out and established East Asia like Japan and coastal China. As for the african 'man' they never got any of this useful admixture and instead fucked down with other defunct branches of the early human evolutionary tree. They are the most distinct branch of humanity if you can even call them that. Northern Africa has some of the semitic tribes mixed in as well but down towards Congo is where the worst of these primates are and have documented mixture with a now defunct branch of sub-hominid man. Africans have a high penchant for violence, no empathy or awareness, are cruel to others and animals, developed no written language, and are the only branch of humanity that never made a fucking boat or had agriculture for god sakes. Additional breeding with these apes is moving humanity into a negative direction like a turd in a punchbowl. In my opinion Whites are like a fine crafted Swiss army knife with just the right combination of parts to make us the most able and refined tier of humanity. Of course it's a bit more complicated and messy than this but I tried to distill down the key parts as I understand them (A few years ago I spent over 2 months digging into this to refute the out of Africa fairy tale the jews concocted to make their golems feel nice). I can't find the one article that says much of what I outlined but this is a fair place to start. Out of Africa is a total scam. ---- "FED vs Geneva which includes IMF, so this could be setting up a CBDC in case the eurobanks and the city of London along/or with the bank of China are successful in implementing they’re own CBDC. If it grew in popularity by sheep then the FED would need something to protect American interests. They can already track money except when it ends up in the Pentagon without CBDC. US dollar demand has always made the FED already in control, so why be the innovator." Yes ok but the problem is any use of CBDC (we already have digital currency) is just code for PROGRAMMABLE MONEY, which is what the toxin is. There is no way to have this and not have technocrats decide to abuse the control is allows. This is like my argument with @Malone that the technology should not exist. That it does exist is the danger because the fuckers who will misuse it always end up in power. ---- Much of what I do to try to trade the market is put together a narrative from four main sources: fed liquidity (Robert Balin sub service on Seeking Alpha), options and gamma dynamics form Viking Analytics, my own understanding of the calendar of econ news, market flows, seasonality, and earnings (this is the wisdom part of the game) and a special sauce which is envisioning a specter like force of evil jew bankers scheming how to fuck us all. This last part is crucial. I really try to out think them and trade how I think they will rig markets. No one believes me but it fucking works which tells you it's actually happening to some extent. This strategy doesn't always work and sometimes the data is more useful than others. Balin has been an extremely difficult person to deal with this year but he was epic in 2020 and 2021. Anyway.... his models changing is why I backed off the big short... or rather kicked the can down the road into next year. I can't replicate his models I rely on them and if they change or he says they were wrong and corrects them a different way it is what it is.... not every trade makes money. What I hope to do with a service is build a compilation of useful fiscal info written for normal people and other sundry moronic alt-right nutjobs, blue collar, and red neck people. I think I can dumb some of this down and try to help good people not fuck up their money as much as they would otherwise do. As part of this: >> bigger picture market calls for people that manage retirement portfolios where they dollar cost average and trade into and out of asset classes a few times a year. >> mid term more granular version of this attempting to note what I think the market might do and give some pointers for how to trade it. Maybe ETF and futures plays. >> potentially a paid level with more specific trades, and market alerts. It's not that I'm looking to make $ doing this but the tools to do this cost and at a min I need to cover expenses. It would be minimal and free to anyone who was a regular contributor. It's being worked on. I will have something when I have something. The less time I spend here the more I can work on it. ---- Sure. There were a lot of words there and I basically agree with Jasper and I think everything he wrote is the god's honest truth as I understand it but perhaps let me take a stab at translating this for the young children and golden retrievers: Free money (0% interest rates) allows gross excess in a fiscal economy. Companies like Blackrock's 200B active investment arm, Blackstone's 1T private equity, and silicon valley venture capital firms make up whats called the shadow banking sector. Their credit rating is 850 always you see so they are the preferred lender and if they can borrow at 0.25% they can get as much money as they want and buy up everyone's shit. They get to pick the winners and losers and never have to deal with the interest on their loans. This year Powell moved interest rate from 0% to 3.84% and is about to move it up to 4.35% next week. Blackstone has 1T to play with and at 0.25% it only runs them 2.5B a year in interest. At 4.35% it runs them 43.5B, which is quite a bit more... ON TOP OF having all their existing assets devalue so they have to take a loss if they sell them. Shadow banking sector is sitting on a 1/4 to 1/2 trillion in unrealized losses if they mark everything to market value, which they don't have to do just yet. Now where this gets fun is when their clients want to redeem and there is basically a run on Blackrock right now and Blackstone ato a lesser degree and even Vanguard's limited excursion into ESG funds is feeling the pinch. See they can just paper over their unrealized losses and keep them valued at par if they can hold them to term. But when they have to process redemptions they have to sell shit, at a loss, to cover your withdraw. This selling increases the losses for everyone else as well. These states that are withdrawing billions from Blackrock know what they are doing. They are forcing BR to eat losses and may start the equivalent of a bank run. This is why tech and biotech and real estate and fixed income investments get hammered in a rising rate environment. This is not an accident either. This goes to the team B putting team A back in their cage. It's a delicate balancing act as well. No guarantee we actually pull it off. Assuming we do pull it off, these companies survive this in all likelihood but their power is going to be kneecapped going forward as long as rates are kept above 2-3% If we do that the left's corporate and financial backing vanishes in a big way. If they kill Powell and load up the fed with Brainard we get MMT and infinity printing and then Blackrock, Blackstone, and Blackbebble literally do buy up all the houses for real. That would be very very bad. We want it to cost money to borrow money because it forces good stewardship. ---- Women who got pregnant and did not have a sufficient pelvic gap died and thus the genetic predilection for such a survival mechanism was implanted in our genome. Same principle will be applies en mass to the NPCs mascaraing as humans who injected themselves with poison because the jews told them to. What will be left will be one helluva hard to kill band of tribal Whites and a whole shit ton of bogs filled up with the skeletons of faggot groomers... Odin willing. ---- There has been increasing difficulty in money movements in the multiple five figures and especially six and seven since Covid. The difficulties have only increased this year. Understand many small businesses routinely transact with such levels. Even a family Ranch or a doctors office could make million dollar purchases or move around 50-75K in a day. The sense I get is that at a minimum the banks are watching their capital reserves a lot tighter than they use to. But they are taking it to an extreme basically refusing to part with someone's deposit to buy commercial real estate and all but demanding they take a loan instead. I have had federal wires canceled on me this year which is new. I've had to get legal documents over to a bank authorizing it, which should be unnecessary. Latest is banks are getting very stingy on handing cash out. The regime may be quietly watching for capital flow outside the country, which I know for a fact is happening. The banks are forcing the creation of paper trails which could be a problem down the road if emergency measures are written demanding repatriation of funds. Bottom line is everyone in the mid tier wealth categories I know (1-5-25M) has a story and is getting increasingly uncomfortable with that banks and financial institutions are subjecting them too. ---- Dread: "You'll know the real clampdown has hit normies when RL people start chattering about fearing being debanked at the office." Sheriff Lucas Hood: This is starting in a way. I am aware of a man worth between 5 and 25 and he can not get his money out of JPM. Everytime he puts a wire in he gets a call from a sweet talking specialist who outlines his options for borrowing money from JPM instead. Apparently he asked them whose money it was and is dealing with an attorney. There are other similar things I'm hearing from small business people who deal in transactions 5-6-7 figures at a time. Something isn't right here. Dread: That's very strange. Keep us posted. I would note that very little can be done via executive order and no major legislation will be getting through the House. I hear the media cartel language has been stripped from the 'defense' omnibus, so their power is already shaky. ---- I'm almost as disillusioned by the alt right as I am the GOP. Their only saving grace, despite being entirely without political instincts or anything resembling a viable strategy, is that they still want to win and many are willing to kill... we need those two things but we need a leader and a fucking plan. ---- I should not have to point out the obvious. The differences between parties are dramatic and obvious from guns to taxes to economics to core infrastructure, law and order, being business friendly, general level of corruption, respect for individual rights, etc. The conditions created by the two parties encourage people to vote with their feet by the tens of millions as they move away from blue states into better run run states. Tels of millions of people seem some sort of difference. It must exist. The GOP not being literally Hitler doesn't make then the same as democrats. Notice I didn't say the GOP would save us... I said they weren't the same as democrats. I too can't find much redeemable about them at the national level but the prospect of unchecked democrat rule is alarming to me. The track record for fewer significant legislative impacts when government is divided is also obvious. I will take as much time as I can slowing down the forces that wish to immediately kill me & way of life. If you are sitting there concluding blackrock bought all muh houses, Ron DeSantis = Gavin Newsom, Trump is Ceaser, or disabling first world infrastructure and pissing off 40k people is a way to pwn the groomers you are an idiot. If I just declared you an idiot unfollow me and stop interacting with me: I really have nothing to say to you. Go be an idiot somewhere else. ---- Just based on some interesting experiences lately I want to advise people to do a few things centered around these three principles. 1. Be in physical possession of all identifying documentation for you and yours: birth certificates, SS cards, drivers licenses, passports, diplomas, certificates, deeds, a crucial emergency credit card, etc. Make sure they are all up to date, order duplicates if you can so that if you keep one on you you have a spare ready to go at home, etc. Then scan each and every one and build a flash card repository and make at least 2 copies of it and seal those mother fuckeres up wrapped in foil and air tight and 'hide' it in a place you would know but unlikely to be seized in a raid or theft: back of a family photo, behind a chair rail or baseboard, under a corner of carpet, in a jar of old screws (but protected), or a box of mason jars on the top shelf of your pantry, an old pair of socks you never wear, etc. For the actual documents invest in a water and fire proof storage box that runs $30-50. Stick that in a bigger chest and cover with blankets. The idea is you want to be able to prove you are you if you need to. 2. The same but with records of assets, bank and retirement account statements, etc. Basically you want to pull out an example of a document that you can prove you were the owner of X at one point if some fuck gas lights you that you weren't. You also should have a relationship with an attorney who actually knows you and you can call if something weird happens. He might not be able to help you but will be able to refer you to someone who can. The easiest way to do this is with an estate planner to draw up a will and that also creates a second set of records of things that are yours. 3. Think about what would be difficult for you if your finances stopped working like getting locked out of a bank account, the ATM system being crippled, etc. How would you access your accounts if your computer stopped working or internet, if those were taken from you, etc. Do you have enough cash around to survive at least 2 weeks, Take a quick trip away to lay low for a few nights, etc. I know not everyone can do this but if you can do so. ---- Crypto has been revealed to be a total ponzi scheme with rigged bids from stable value coins minted by intelligence organizations. You do you but I will stay well clear of it for anything other than an anon way to transfer money to dissidents. I will see BTC under 10k again. Mark my words. ---- I made it through 2 hours of Ye on AJ and the conclusion I have so far is that Ye is a retarded nigger. His brain is mush. ---- Jews are in the process of turning the sons of Christ gay after poisoning half of them with the clot shot so that they can not be fruitful or multiply. Just how fucking stupid are you? It's like you snuck up behind jesus and bludgeoned his crown of thorns adorned head all over again ---- It's like they think if they just announce the fraud to the world some magic authority will come in and save them. CONSERVATIVES ARE WEAK PEOPLE WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND POWER. ---- EOA: Weird how when Kanye West simply calls out a few jews for bad business its anti-semitic and the biggest story for weeks But when jewish pedophiles Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffery Epstein spend decades pimping out underage White children to blackmail high ranking politicians, actors, journalists and athletes for Israel it's a "one time mistake" and he "kills himself" with no further questions or investigations. ---- The alt right is flailing and rudderless and willing to chomp onto anything... any shred of hope... any flight of fancy... to still retain a shred of hope. We know Ye is a stupid nigger. We know Trump felt duped over the meeting in his pink barbie malibu mansion, having gotten a call half way through, and turned the meeting hostile. We know Fuentes is a punk kid happily willing to smear his stank on anyone decent he gets near. We know Milo is a lying aging faggot whore. We know Ye taunted Trump asking him to be his VP (helluva rude thing to ask a former president considering running again). What I can discern from this is at a minimum Fuentes and Milo were out to screw Trump and likely out to screw or make a mockery out of Ye as well. It's unclear what Ye's intentions are but it would not surprise me if he holds some anger and resentment at Trump for being used by him. As much as I despise Trump he seems to be the targeted victim here. Ye may be both victim and victimizer. The whole thing is a mess. Just my 0.02 anyway ---- The system is on an unstable, uncorrectable trajectory of destruction. No one saw it coming. It started as a hairline fracture several weeks ago and has cascaded. TPTB are starting to get concerned as it has not self corrected. The flaw in their schemes was not a flaw at all but the subtlest of traps tactfully executed by an ancient foe. What is about to happen will change the world and the fate of humanity. God speed anons, you are about to ascend through the tribulations of our generation. Not all of you will make it but the old gods will look favorably upon your travels through. ---- The thing is laws don't mean shit when armed men of the state show up to arrest you and bent jew judges are happy to lock you away. But enjoy your constitution. ---- If you build it the ATFE will come ---- Jews March 2020: GOP, get rid of Trump or we get rid of you. GOP: Yes, master Jews November 2022: You fucked up, you trusted us! ---- The standards for an advisor are different than those for a leader. If Nick were openly homosexual that would be totally disqualifying. As it is he's... weird. I have no idea if he has consummated his obvious homo desires. I'd prefer he resolve all doubts and marry a nice Catholic girl. In contrast massive homo Milo spent years promoting the deathstyle and is an obvious total psychopath, rat and traitor. He should be shunned. ---- Anyone who'd defend an assassin who murdered a mother holding her baby is total evil. Presumably Barr is controlled by Epstein level blackmail material - or worse. If I'm not mistaken Barr's father HIRED Epstein to be a tutor at an elite private school, which may be where the conspiracy recruited Epstein as he was out of the elite loop prior to that. The blackmail networks that groom guys like McCain are above top secret. The outline of some great evil can be vaguely seen, but we can only reverse engineer its mechanisms or learn about them with hindsight when it's too late, as in the case of the North Korean propaganda broadcasts done by McCain when he was a POW. ---- My personal journey is that the US is already dead. I expected them to steal 2022 going full mask off to rub our noses in it, got a little surprised and hopeful when the fraud wasn't immediately apparent and isolated to AZ and Carson City NV, and then as more and more came out it became apparent they stole a lot more than I thought during election week (Wed-Fri). In talking to normies they are taking this quite hard and appear to realize they will never be able to win and get their way following the rules... not yet willing to admit what I am willing to, that we must outbastard the democrat bastards to stand a chance. I have told a few flat out them holding onto the system that no longer exists is what's preventing the more radical of us from acting. "Until you are ready to codify the morality and ethics of force for your race's survival we have little to talk about. hopefully you don't get there after it's truly too late" The biggest cope I've gotten is that there are secret White hats that realized their wage slaves are unhappy and blocked Nancy from taking the house by stealing 6-8 CA districts at the end so "see there is hope again now" But I get the distinct impression that are all waking up to just how fucked they are like I did back in Jan 2020... I just always seem to see whats coming far in advance of others. One wonders how wide spread this seeping feeling of dread is to the normie wage slaves and what it means to the system as a whole. I did have 3 people demand serious advice from me on what guns to get... big ones shot guns and rifles. 2 guys are looking to bail on even decent Southern cities and go homestead on 20-150 acres. Even the fraud that occurred to the small degree it did compared to 2020 seems to have really disturbed the equilibrium of the force. ---- The establishment of both parties, various intelligence organizations, the FBI, and likely the European elites like Rothchilds, black nobility, and even the UK crown apparently conspired to blatantly rig an election to oust Trump who likely won by 30M actual votes. To think he is the best chance for winning in 2024 is insane. It's literally insane. It's delusional hopium that somehow they'd ever let him back in power again. And even if they did he did jack shit about the swamp the first time around so what would be the point? I can't take anyone seriously who suggests this. ---- Apparently all it took to get Ye back on the plantation was on a BJ from an aging queer. ---- Just some general advice, in late stage empires the correct move to be left alone and fare the best is in a comfortable backwater of no strategic importance that is near needed (to the pursuit of your personal living) resources. Places like W Texas or Uruguay or Mongolia fit the bill. The other defining aspect is the sheer amount of corruption that goes on. That's what this post is about. When the Roman Empire fell the price for satellite state's compliance with Rome was higher and higher. Taxes for those near the center of power rose quite high to pay for it all. The best you could hope for was an entirely corrupt official in your backwater you could both bribe and who had low ambitions. Fuckers like Kemp are chasing millions in crooked real estate swindles not hundreds of billions in FTX and Ukraine or trillions like the Rothchilds are. Most importantly he isn't an ideologue. he doesn't have grand WEF ideas about centrally planning your life, he just wants his graft. That cost is quite low in the grand scheme of things. Hands down the most absolutely dangerous people are competent ideologues that can still marshal whats left of the state apparatus to come hunt you down and ruin you. These are Lenin, Obama, and Schwab type characters. Second to that are the enemies of the swamp like Trump who would instigate round two of a battle between heaven and hell with all of us in the middle. While some may prosper weird shit like gas-lighting a fake global plague altering the genetics of 2 billion people and eviscerating the world's birth rate might happen because it's to unpredictable how and where we all get fucked. Third are competent state actors like Pompeo and/or Liz Cheney who are acceptable by the swamp and happy to plunge the decaying empire into the final devastating war. But I'd take them because they at least like oil and cows and haven't said one word about pods, bugs, and CBDC. It's unclear to me if they are the types of people that would make the trains of the great reset run on time while keeping the popular support of the clueless masses who don't see that their hero is their enslaver. That is my biggest worry with the DARPA cast like Elon and maybe Ron DeSantis. I don't know how to evaluate the risk of this but it's a constant worry in the back of my head. What we want are centrist malleable tools happy with our way of life and easy to be bribed. I stand by that. Kemp fits the bill and most of what you need to do is get savvy with dodging taxes. ---- The glowies can't yet disappear and black-bag you unless you make credible threats online (by Ohio v. Brandenburg standards, not by the opinions of durbo's faggot jannies). Patriot Act notwithstanding. You still get a trial, which means discovery, which means they would have to show, in court, how they broke through your VPN or traced your IP address. They absolutely do not want to do that. It is why they love to use leftoid antifags as unpaid proxies. But antifags don't have access to the same resources that the glowniggers do (frequently they have nothing), so they try to provoke the subject into revealing personal information and letting enough datapoints slip, in order to construct a reasonable profile. And even then they frequently get it wrong. The trannies on gab have been faildoxing me for at least a year now. Bottom line: pay attention to OPSEC, do not ever reveal personal info about yourself or particularly your family, absolutely no pictures, not even of landscape or surroundings. Use burner emails, avoid anything google related, never use a credit card on gab, never give durbo any identifying documents. Anonymity is your friend. ---- “How tripling the life insurance payouts in a year and 30 SD decline in births means the vaccine is working” wisdom by max vaxed boomer know-it-alls they take time to regal us with in-between the various sundry funerals they all attend for coerced friends and family who died suddenly of (checks notes from NYT article in-between puff pieces on super Jew Bankman at the FTX financial ethics conference with Yellen, Zelensky, Zuckerman, and Satan) um… (is this right???) climate change. ^^^ This is literally reality. ---- “I think it is more complicated with China having released Corona-chan before the "philanthropic billionaires" were ready to actually execute their Evil master plan. But yes, everyone who worked with the gain of function biolabs is an evil villain.” I don’t chat about it much because whats the point but I may be one of the most prolific researchers of the entire covid debacle from start to finish. I mention that because I need to say this: Weaponizing SARS was a DARPA project going back nearly two decades and I saw the painstakingly compiled timeline of this complete with patents, research liaisons in US university systems, grants, funding bills, etc. This was 100% engineered in the US and offshored to China for development and testing at Wuhan. It is likely they fucked up and tested it on Uyghurs who share the most DNA with whites but are Vit D and E deficient. There was a specific chain of release to cause the panic and when China and Iran didn’t do it they used WEF/IMF/EU Draghi in Italy to get the US to pay attention. Mob boss grandmas dying in droves is what got the US to freak out. The key piece of evidence for me is the inexplicable coincidences in the timeline between impeachment and how it was released. We’re talking a MS Project itemized task list day by day and hour by hour. It was uncanny. For example, Nancy holds back papers from senate for 2 weeks for no reason and only sends them to senate (forcing immediate impeachment distraction) when the first case is in Seattle. That sort of thing. There are like 10-12 of these uncanny coincidences. The only part I’m fuzzy on is what part of China was in on this. Was it Xi happy to oust Trump or was it the elite there that Soros liked that Xi went to war against? “As the German blogger #Hadmut remarked, the rainbow flag of tolerance is the Nazi flag of the 21st century and these people/these followers of this flag will happily throw us into the death camps.” > They actually did at least in oceania but just nursing homes and hospitals here. I’m convinced they were gearing up in late 2021 to do it here with delta. Some guardian angle released Omicron which was essentially an engineered highly contagious vaccination stopping it but the plans were in motion to quarantine the unvaxed in Canada, UK (you see the UK terrorists and crown is neck deep in this shit) select states like Michigan and NY that had particularly evil governors. I’m convinced they ousted Cummo because he refused to lock down the state again and with NY went CT, RI, NJ, PA, MD, and VT. The more you dig the more it is obvious this was a failed aborted plan to usher in a technocratic dystopian hell to depopulate the colonies and cripple us economically. Trump kinda played along but fucked up the plan enough which is why they ousted him. So now they destroy us economically. ---- Dissident Soaps: Learned today that all the talk of J. Edgar Hoover being a transvestite was complete bunk, invented and popularized by the media because he deported thousands of subversive Jews as part of his anti-communism initiatives. There’s no proof of him cross-dressing whatsoever, but lots of proof of Hoover believing in a Jewish conspiracy to undermine the United States government. ---- Contagion for Coinbase and every other crypto wallet company. You understand what they did here? They minted tens if not hundreds of billions of stable value coins and bid up prices of the big coins with them. You all invested fiat currency into those coins. They incentivized you to store your coins in their wallets along all this other bid up coins. That cum ‘assets’ were then leveraged up 2-3-7-10 fold and bought other coins that they stored in other crypto wallets at other exchanges thus ‘capitalizing’ those firms who in turn leveraged them up and rinse, wash, repeat. At one point total crypto market cap was 2.5T. It’s about 0.5T now. That’s 2T gone and whats left is a giant chain reaction rigged to explode like a domino array. You pull your money within 90 days of failure it can be clawed back. This shit show is a giant bit of jewish cancer trip wired along a chain reaction of leveraged up ponzi schemes half funded with counterfit currency. Good fucking god what a mess. ---- Just a friendly reminder that journalists aren’t people, especially not these motherfuckers who deserve literally anything anyone wants to do to them. ---- Both parties turned crypto into a ponzi scheme and siphoned money from you wide eyed dreamers who thought they were sticking it to the system. The system raped you in the ass instead. I’m out BTW. If you guys still play in it that’s your business. I got about 10k between monero, binance, some doge, and a few hundred in stable coin on two diff exchanges just to use as means of exchange for solvent traps and what not (atfe I’m just kidding chillax). Rest I took a L and sold. ---- Fight and even if you loose expose. 60+% of the country knows and will admit to pollsters 2020 was rigged. They don’t have enough men with guns to keep a lid on things if widespread dissatisfaction with the usurper regime causes them trouble. They have trouble with the hard core left too. Inflation fucks the urban poors and the elite rich dems are fucked with FAANG stock valuations too. Part of all this Ukraine and FTX looting is them lining their pockets worried about getting run out of town on the rails. I know they don’t look scared but they are. They also know DeSantis dis some rigging of his own as we did in Texas. Not a fucking peep either eh? ---- Resist real ID and digital CBDC like your life depends on it because it literally does. It is the beast system your jewish slave religion bible (sorry no hates I’m just being me) warned you of. ---- The four jews of the financial apocalypse. In order of money stolen from goyim: 666 million + 9B 90B laundered aid 250B lost market cap of FB 15 trillion in wealth destroyed ---- Yes I remember this and he’s correct gab doesn’t represent Texan values. Anti-semitism isn’t mainstream thinking. You don’t have the ethnic electorate of 1930’s Germany. You have to move the Overton window first. I know Abbott wore the smol hat and humped the wall. DeSantis did too. And you know what? They’re governor and Doug the wop isn’t. PA has a jew governor one who covered up a genocide at nursing homes by pedofile Rachel/Richard Levine the Devine and rigged at least one major election with 1.2M printed ballots. SO ARE YOU WINNING? If you are sitting home in the single wide seething how not everyone sees the jews as the problem get over yourself and find a way to make that happen. Politics follows the people, not the other way around. I have absolutely no regard for anyone who wants to shit all over the best options we have in front of us without a fair and earnest reflection on what the alternative is because that is part of the calculation. That has to be part of the calculation. Unchecked dem power is hell for Whites. Hell doesn’t mean we form a magic militia and suddenly win. Imagine being you thinking I am not aware of the indignities our goyim governors are subjected to at the jew wall like if you just show me the smol hat I’ll join you in your low brow block brain thinking. Get over yourself this game is beyond you. ---- One of the implications of the FTX bankruptcy I want to make you aware of is the customer accounts are the property of FTX. There is no FDIC insurance. Once they go under those are assets to pay creditors and you aren’t high on that list. Anyone who pulled money from FTX 90 days prior to bankruptcy could get clawback notices. It happened with Maddoff too. Clawbacks. It gets worse. The people whose 600M in funds were hacked are prob on the hook to make good for that. Legally but might not be enforced. FTX is what the 3rd or so crypto exchange to get put under? What about all the other shitcoin sites? @NeonRevolt correct me but didn’t FTX essentially wire, through staking, itself all over the place like a giant chain reaction explosion? Ponder what I just said. Do you understand why they were all incentivizing you to use their service for storing your coins? It becomes their assets and they can leverage it up and use those leveraged assets to buy other coins. If it goes bankrupt your money is theirs. If they all are staked to eachother it could be the more complex puzzle there is to unwind. Where are your crypto assets and at what companies and do you want them there? Of course when this makes the news it creates a run and could take the whole crypto sphere out and totally put it under. ---- He pardoned jews who stole from his so called base and nigger rappers who made music videos about physically assaulting his so called base but did not pardon his base who ended up in Nancy’s private prison for strolling through her temple. If you can lie to yourself and pretend he didn’t abandon you you’re flat out in denial. ---- @kalogerosstilitis Normies won’t be able to see this. Trotsky’s granddaughter works at NIH on covid after making her bones helping ensure opiates murdered 600k Whites and married to a cancer doc, the other great Jewish invention to kill goyim. Bankman’s brother has the consulting firm that gets the 30B grant to make sure the goyim death is maximized from the jewish diseases and ‘cures’. Leaves ya cold doesn’t it? ---- I know all that Rob and I maintain my position. I think you and others are really off base. I think the ability of white nats to think strategically or put things in perspective is 0. White nats won’t get anywhere other than WACOD if they can’t change and get savvy quickly. Our position is not good. We have to make small inroads and build on them. I’d exterminate every last kike there is and I’d play the part and wear the smol hat and take the picture if it greased the skids to get me into power where I could do some good. What did that shit buy Ron? Well the Miami jews prob voted for him and didn’t blast news 24-7 calling him an anti semite like they did Doug. Abbott told state GOP to stay off GAB and it’s a sea of red here. So the time for open anti semitism isn’t here yet. The pictures at the wall and these boycott laws are trophies to these craven kikes but they mean very little and are just symbolic. It’s feeding their pride and hubris. There are no openly anti semitic companies being denied contracts with state govt which is all those laws are for. There will come a day we don’t have to do this shit but for right now they have the winning hand so until that changes… can’t do any good if you don’t have any power. The idea is to get your foot in the door and then dominate. I don’t know if Ron is that guy but he has to be better than what we got. While Trump tweeted about vote Fraud DeS made a vote police force. While Trump got raided by the DOJ Ron sent them packing. While Trump failed at the wall DeS and Abbott bought a lot of votes with their migrant bussing stunts. Tough shit it works and in grand scheme of things isn’t that many. The Overton window is shifting but the kikes are still quite powerful. We have to fight them surreptitiously now. I made two suggestions all year: adopt their victim stance to defend Whites from slander and crime and mimic the ADL tactics but for Whites. Number two get the niggers to turn on the jews. Someone figured out how to do that. We need to figure out the former. Americans are pussies and programmed to respond to racial attacks and defending those being bullied. Running with White victimization instead of being Gobbles tier aggressive is the way to go. Making the jews into the bullies who abuse their privilege aligns with how normies are already programmed. At this stage of the game it would not hurt if cells around the country formed and rekindled the spirit of the klan. Dems have their enforcers we need enforcers going after them. I of course hope everyone obeys the laws forever and ever. But I’d be quite relieved and amused if they did not. Ron is an easy guy to vote for. I can prob help ensure about 6-7 counties in W TX have excessively good turnout in 2024. Every little bit helps. It certainly can’t hurt. In the meantime I need to figure out how to be the Greenblatt for Whites. Just my $0.02 ---- @Ullrich Um… this is one of the most tangled webs there is. Basically the internet money was faked up high and an ugly Trotsky looking greazy jew named BANKMAN whole stole 100M before and another jew lawyer who ran an online poker fraud before made crypto company FTX. It was basically a complex ponzi scheme with ‘staked’ coins that got leveraged up. Over the years laundered about 2B to democrats, recently billions more from Ukraine aid, left a 9B liability from fraud, transferred 1-2B to a hideously ugly girlfriend who was/is CEO in finance company Alameda and has since absconded to Hong Kong. Then he hacked their own customer accounts and drained them of 666M (seriously that was the number). This SBF guy is son of a jew who runs a democrat super pac fund raising outfit and his brother revently set up an organization that got 30B from Biden to do pandemic fraud shit. The Alameda girl is daughter of MIT professor who has a business relationship with the SEC chair Gensler who has been dealing dirty with Crypto issues making trouble for FTX’s competitors. The WEF loved him and the ESG people rated the governance of company FTX above Exxon Mobile. WEF took down their endorsement of the company, but pictures of Bankman with Clinton, Tony Blair, and Biden exist. The Miami heat had a stadium named after the ‘company’ FTX They may have tried to sell out to Binance who blew the whistle on the whole fraud, which has destroyed another 150B of crypto wealth last week. So basically a quarter trillion crime of the century for two hideous jews trying to mate in-between clipping digital coins. There is prob more but this is the highlights as I understand them. Oh so far the only person to officially lose their job over the whole FTX scandal was the black guy at CoinBase that said "hey guys, maybe Kanye was on to something about the Jews” Ok you’re caught up now. P.S Bankman’s twatter profile has him wearing a shirt with a pedo symbol on it. ---- This heist was egregious even for jew standards. It’s like the uglier the jew is the worst the theft becomes. ---- well so far the zoomer’s great system to stick it to the man has attracted the attention of the man including spooks and bad dealing state actors that used it to steal or destroy over a trillion dollars in ‘wealth’, launder tens of billions encouraging war crimes to continue as a backdrop and enabled 3 stolen elections, along with god knows what else. Imagine thinking a bunch of punk kids and programmers could be in charge of a money supply with zero accountability without that scheme going completely tits up. I know a little something about how the accounting and software systems of large financial organizations works and the myriad of ways customers are protected from exactly this sort of shit. The good news is that this debacle combined with that is about to happen to whats left of crypto will utterly destroy this entire toxic mess. ^^^ saying all this won’t make me popular but it’s true. ---- Shadowman: Looks like the ZOG took the whole "normies using crypto as a lifeboat" thing to heart and are now systematically collapsing the crypto market to make sure that is no longer a possibility, unless you're using their forthcoming "new" crypto currencies hosted on government run exchanges with zero privacy, coming sometime after their terrible economic decisions send the world into a second great depression. JCSlater: He gets it ---- A bit surprised you don’t see it. Three ways. 1. BTC can be manipulated with bid rigging bots and bubbles created by fraudulently minted stable value coins. I warned everyone here about this back in summer of 2021 and called the top around 55k (allbeit 10k too low). Case in point see below for how the 2018 steal was funded. Bot go on BTC go up. SVC mints stop BTC go down. Ergo the value of BTC is based almost entirely on a side fraud. 2. It opened the door to all the rest of it. From shitcoins to everyone KNOWINGLY participating in a ponzi scheme because majority of users are making sports bet on shit they have no understanding of hoping to get gains that if they’d think for a but come at someone elses expense. This creates a culture that accepts ponzi scheme model as a means of transacting with the last guy holding the bag. 3. There is no actual value here other than the perception. Sure to a similar degree with some fiat but it’s not quite the same. There are checks and balances and legal protections and a central authority with some degree of accountability with fiat. Not at all the case with crypto kings who build back doors in their fraud products and abscond with the loot. Banks have regulators and auditors and are staffed by people who clear criminal checks. These are checks and balances needed in every field with temptation. There was a means of making anonymous transactions and having a stable store of value outside fiat system that had noble intentions and ‘value’ but the crypto sphere as it exists today is an abomination that lays the groundwork for countless frauds, wealth destruction (1.5T from crypto peak so far), and the cultural acceptance of programable money. As with anything electronic from voting to crypto the temptation for fraud is too great. Burn it all down if you ask me. ---- “Those who call it a Ponzi scheme don't know the space very well. I know people in their 30s and 40s retired today off of crypto. They were big investors way back in 2016. Not elites. Just working class guys. I scoffed at them when I could have dropped tens of thousands on it. That's what happens when you write it off like this.” Bernie Maddoff’s early investors enjoyed their returns too. Those left holding the bag, not so much. FTX had a basketball stadium named after it. That’s king status. Primary price driver of BTC, despite it’s proof of work is weather or not a bid rigging bot algo was in on conjunction with fraudulently minted stable value coins. Guys come the fuck on. ---- Market likely to top this week approx Wed 4050 maybe as high as 4150 then begin it’s descent to 2850-3200. Fed liquidity drops off next week as retail earnings reports. Jobs report Dec 2 will show negative revisions, Nov CPI on Dec 13 likely up, FOMC Dec 14 with 50bps hike to 4.25-4.5 but the killer will be their dot plot showing each fed board member’s expectations for terminal rate next year (done in up to x6 25bps rate hikes) 4.5-6.25. This breaks credit markets, causes dollar to strengthen, bonds and equities to dump. PM may dump on this but longer term are buys. Oil will eventually dump on recession. NatGas in particular is a buy due to expected maximizing of exports to Europe (UNG, BOIL, likely USAC, KMI, RRC). Other commodities like grains and palladium will rise dramatically if war with Russia picks up. I do not know what wins out with oil: supply and demand moralizing, price caps, war, or recession. My rough expectations for terminal bond rates are in red. Yield curve normalizes after that slowly, tail end first in green, yellow in late 2023 to early 2024. There is one more short bond play with TLT $95 puts early into next year and TMV to $195 range. After that bonds are a buy especially close to those red terminal rates. Munis likely bottomed out already; I like PMM & NMZ. I’ve decided to hold physical metals, short term treasuries (6mo & 1-2yr), muni ETFs, natgas equity longs, and select commodity futures longs for nat gas, wheat, corn, and palladium but also ETFs SPPP and BOIL. I will also keep the EM ETFs (UAE, TUR, EWZ, and SMIN). I will exit all other equities and bet heavily short using futures TN, ES, NQ, RTY and the ETFs: TMV (10-20yr treasuries), EPV (FTSE), SPXU, SQQQ, and SRTY (US equities) I endorse the ETF and option plays below and will own them all by the end of next week. >> Hold bond shorts to TNX = 43.5 to 48.0 or late Dec. Not sure if you want to switch to ETF bond longs right away but buying 20 year and 5-7-10 year treasuries at those terminal rates make sense. >> Hold equity shorts to market bottoming ~3k. Hopefully early to mid Dec we see that. The SPX put needs to be gone ASAP if we hit low 3k a few times in Dec as SOMA model shows. Likely some sort of late Dec rally occurs just from EOY inflows. Look at a chart of Dec 2018 for how a late year crash can go. >> I’d be inclined to hold the dollar strength options UUP and EUO into winter and EPV plays to at least Feb. >> Looking for natgas back to 7.5-8.5 range on freeport reopen. USAC and KMI and RRC may buck the market decline. I’m just not sure. I honestly don’t know if we come back from this. If dems just steal all elections going forward and want WW3 and the great reset they fuck over gold ownership like crypto and just obliterate the free market economy and equity ownership. I’m not going to be posting much of anything else. Good luck and god speed. ---- Anyone who reads me knows I happily go balls out and buy dogs after they’ve been kicked around in the street. When there is blood in the street buy. Let me tell you a quick story… 2008 I had 11k to my name and drove out to phili in my shit nissan sentra to start my career in finance THE WEEKEND BEAR STERNS WENT UNDER. I was listening to Bob Brinker on AM radio as he scoffed about how everything was fine and their building was worth more than the company and how it was a buy because it’s well bear stearns…. Fast forward to fall I had 6-7k to my name and was getting drowned in credit card offers pushed to stimulate the economy it being an election year and everything. So I filled them all out at once, got approved for 62k, went and then went bought a brand new V8 expedition before the credit card ratings talked to each-other. Got 3k under invoice and got top dollar from my Nissan Sentra because gas was 4.5 back then lol. So I took 51k out on cash advances and plowed it into the market late 2008 after the crash because blood in the street and I’m smart you see. Ha! Fast forward to early 2009 and I’m getting nervous because I owe 36k on my vehicle and 54k on credit cards and my FICO rating went from 790 to 640 while my ‘investments’ (small cap biotech) that went from 51k to 76k were now 29k, then 17k, then ‘oh shit’ because I bought BEFORE there was enough blood in the street. But I was too deep to get out so I stuck with it and by late 2010 had all that debt paid off and was buying a house and had 100k to spare. SMALL CAP BIOTECH. Then tech innovation. I got Netflix at $35 man. Apple at $17. Yes this is the right strategy. Once in the life opportunity. But not yet. Moral of story is yes buy when blood is in the street but brother we’re just getting warmed the fuck up. We gota get lower first. ---- A jew named bankman did an 8 billion dollar ponzi scheme that blew up because he was chasing a hideous jewish girl tied into SEC chair Gensler. Democrats stole as much as 2 billion from this over the years and this kike was a top donor to Biden. The gig was up and facing bankruptcy he liquidated 600 million in client funds last night and absconded somewhere. He blamed hackers, the US govt blamed Russians, but he stole 100M before with a hack so I blame the jew… named BANKMAN. The obvious result is we have to ban crypto, blame Whitey, and protect jews from the anti-semitic blow back. Any questions? ---- LoneGrumpyCowboy: We will have reached the bottom when nobody wants to talk about it. When even the mere mention of whatever asset class just turns everyone off. When nobody is thinking of it. When it literally evokes disgust. At that point, we've reached bottom. When every other post/person says "gosh I can't wait for prices to fall so I can invest" yeah, we're nowhere near a bottom ---- Gas Institute Frank: Because of all the cope of the Hitler-worshipping right. Yes, what he did to Germany in the 1930s was awesome but ultimately he lost the War of Jewish Aggression. Hitler and the Third Reich are gone, all the simping will not bring them back, we have to analyze where they went wrong and have to create a better "National Socialism 2.0" (not necessarily using this designation in order not to push the normies away) befitting our modern times. The jews should also not worry about the anti-Semites. They should worry about the former philo-Semites who became anti-Semites when they saw actual Semitism at work. Sleep well, our ancient friends. ---- GOP doesn’t represent you. They represent the wealthy business owners. Those business owners want inexpensive labor. Where they are different than dems are most of the people the GOP represents do not want to bleed you dry or take your cows and guns or imprison you in a pod to eat bugs. They understand they have to treat hard working people with respect and pay them. This of course varies by degree. The GOP is not slavers they just don’t want to overpay. That sucks but it is what it is. A democrat will not overpay you for hard work. A republican might. That’s basically the jist of the options folks have to work with. Where I differ from most of gab is I don’t think both sides are playing the same game for the same people. ---- Jews + money = 40 billion vanished + kids raped. Story as old as time. Remake #110 ---- Ok this is verifiable now: 1 stolen governor NY 1 stolen senator AZ with suppression and ballot destruction Gap just closed in NV senate race after camera ‘outage’ TBD half a dozen CA races and 4 in OR/WA TBD AZ & NV Gov plus GA Senate race ---- I don’t know how it’s possible they were given 50B to owe in the first place but if that’s what’s out there then having crypto is a a bomb strapped to your neck. Fuck it, I’m out. MARA sold $0.03 above where I bought it and although I hold crypto coins I’m opening futures to short them so at least I stay whole. Do you understand why TGR happened in 2007-2009? Systemic risk. If everyone stakes coins to everyone else this is what you have a giant domino ready to be triggered only no bailout and the masters of the universe who want you dead. So much for sticking it to the system… the system stuck it to you. This is why they say don’t meet your heros. These crypto kings make Madoff look like a piker. ---- We really are on the wrong side of this issue strategically. ‘I’m mad DeSantis isn’t Himmler’ isn’t the same as ‘DeSantis is the same as governor Whitmer/Newsome/Shapiro’. We need to get a grip. Putting people into office that preserve our way of life and hold back the worst of what the dems intend for us is not a loss. Might not be a win for you but it is a win for the millions of Whites whose lives get better in some way. We buy time and keep our lower rung of the hierarchy of needs (food, shelter, security, money) somewhat intact while we push push push to get the White mindset moving in our way. There will come a day we won’t have to go kiss their fucking wall to get into power. There will come a day we will wipe the smirk off their their lying filthy face. There will come a day Greenblatt begs us to exist. ---- Dissident Soaps: We'll tie it all together for you: Sam Bankman-Fried gave Carolina Ellison a job running a $50B company that she was in no way qualified for. Her father, Glenn Ellison, works with SEC Chair Gary Gensler at the MIT Business School. Gensler was working with Sam Bankman-Fried to navigate SEC regulatory loopholes to give FTX a monopoly, basically the opposite of his job as SEC Chairman. Both of Sam Bankman-Fried's parents are also professional academics (but at Stanford) and big movers and shakers in the Democrat National Party. Everyone involved in this grand digital coin clipping scheme is Jewish. They lost between $20-50B investor dollars and none of them will go to jail. ---- “As I understood the discussion of Mrs Luongo, Krainer and Lira that you linked, Blackrock has indeed quite some influence” Let me try to explain it this way. There is passive crowd sourced money and then serious power money. Vanguard and Blackrock ‘manage’ about 15T of passive crowd sourced money. This is millions of individual accounts. The actual power from money comes from being corporate and institutional bankers. Those assets move in and out by the tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. Furthermore, it is the power of scale the PRIMARY DEALER (none of you peons (no offense) understand what this is or why it is so important) has in working with the fed, which is where more power resides. This is why JPM, GS, Citi, and MS in that order are the most powerful independent financial organizations in the western hemisphere. They are not on board of agenda 2030 nor do they wish to be affiliated with Davos and Schwab and the NWO as far as I can tell. You may not like them but they don’t seek to make you live in a restricted movement zone, a pod, and eat bug protein. From this perspective BR is a damn piker. It’s not scale alone. JPM and GS running bond issuances and M&A banking for corporations has infinitely more influence than some ESG scheme using proxy voting. BTW the BR money is called shadow banking system along with venture capital. Fed funds rate > 3% basically ends that line of business which requires free money at 0.25% to leverage up to buy up everything. Suddenly when money costs you 3-4-5-6% buying up all the houses tankos your REIT by 35% and fucks over all your ideological investing clients. ---- of what I know about finance, if I had to rank the big banks least damaging to worst JPM, is up there with GS, MS, Citi, and maybe WF. BoA is not an organization I would go near but they aren’t real players. I’m not sure on SSB, BoNY, and BBH (now truist). HSBC, RBS, and the other UK banking cartel are prob flat out evil against the US. I suspect Deutchebank and the Swiss ones are more affiliated against WEF than not but may be victims of UK I just don’t know. Blackrock influence is overstated and I suspect they will be destroyed and carved up. Their iShares unit is excellent but the 200-300B they manage with their ESG WEF schemes need to be crushed by Jamie Diamond and the fed and they will. Trust me they lost 40% of their clients money this year and writing is on the wall. Larry Fink threw in with WEF amd it’s not going well: CBDC plans are the enemies. That is game over. Programable money will now be developed and foisted on UK by this cabal of WEF globalists hiding with the tories of all fucking people. IT IS WORTH ANYTHING AND ANYONE TO HALT THAT. That is 1000 year reign of beast system. CBDC is the antichrist. UK’s Hunt is satan incarnate and that streetshitting motherfucker will happily use infosys (who he married into) to develop the social credit system and programmable money and the UK banking cartel with King Charles will try to reclaim it’s dominance over colonies and western Europe while trying to end Russia using US patsy's to do it. UK has to be wiped off the map so the rest of us are free so be it. I still don’t know what side Boris and Truss were on. This is complex as hell. ---- Daughter of triple (Mossad/MI6/CIA) agent and child sex pimp Ghislaine Maxwell was also a power mod with 6 million karma at the point of the account’s inactivity (conveniently timed with her arrest in NH) curating the content on the largest news site page in-between recruiting wayward young women found on reddit to Epstein and organizing sex parties for reddit C-suite. Aaron Schwartz did not commit suicide. ---- Unpersoning someone is a death sentence without parole or possibility of penance. Taking away a man’s livelihood destroys them and his ability to provide for his family. In an ever increasing controlled world where there are fewer and fewer ways to get a fresh start, … well you see where I am going with this. Queue up Kayne West or me who once free from their control mechanisms can laugh as he names the jew or as I wear a custom made SS uniform, let alone think about saying hurty words. Oh burning a BLM flag gets me 20 years and hunted by the FBI but only 35% of murderors get charged… (not convicted mind you… charged) and if convicted might just do a few years? Well not if they know who the philandering but otherwise decent county sheriff is fucking on the side and not if the hogs get the bodies first. Yeah men who accurately see what world we live in are going to be quite dangerous to the masters in the very near future. ---- General advice. When you discover state spooks that run pedophilia rings to entrap powerful people blowing the whistle on them gets you dead. Lets say you are stupid enough and end up on pedo island. If you run or don’t go for it you are dead. This is a test to ensure only sociopaths are entered into leadership positions. At that point you have a tough choice to make because the kid is dead anyway and so are you if you don’t go for it. I think this is what happened to Spacey and he killed the kid instead of fucked him or did something so horrible they even got repulsed by it. But he’s alive and his accusers aren’t. So… this is like tough shit man. Anyway just a friendly tip for those awkward moments we all find ourselves in on pedo island. Seriously though, don’t find yourself on pedo island or date a spook. Really this guy is a fucking idiot. ---- Cecil Henry: Dr. Kirk Milhoan: 50% Of Athletes in Big 10 Had Cardiac Scans & Have Myocarditis Without Symptoms 50% of athletes in the Big 10 have had cardiac scans and have myocarditis without symptoms. They are at risk for sudden cardiac death. “As soon as they found it was a true cardiotoxin, it should have been taken off the market immediately.” In a lot of cases, doctors won't do MRI scans to check for vaccine related heart damage because if the medical boards suspect they are testing for vaccine adverse effects, they will go after their license to destroy the doctors career. ---- Bolo, like Trump, correctly identifies why they lose and their cowardice is what will result in humanity being plunged into the darkness of bio-leninist hell. “but our methods cannot be those of the left, which have always harmed the population, such as invading property, destroying patrimony, and curtailing the right to come and go” These fuckers just don’t have it in them. Force is always part of ruling. The left has the mob and now the tyrannical boot of the NKVD-FBI. The right use to understand precise use of force and use to have military power but lost that as well. All the ‘right’ knows is to loose. They are weak feckless pathetic weaklings afraid of using force and welding power. And they loose, deservedly so. “Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” - Heinlein. ---- Racial Consciousness: If you want the realist proof of the Jews' leading influence in every major decadence movement throughout history, you have to find an unabridged version of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia. I myself have only ever seen one in real life - it was in a private library, and required an attendant the entire time I was viewing it. They guarded the damn thing like it was made of gold. It basically maps out all of Jewish history, as written by the Jewish victors. They openly admit everything they've ever done in there, which includes the exact names of every Jew in the Bolshevik movement and Bolshevik government of Russia. ---- So this is what happened Thursday. Elon musk took over twitter and the tech equities all shit the bed: Meta down 25%, Amazon 20%, Apple 10%, etc. Nancy Pelosi, daughter of mob crime boss and married to gay money manager Paul who at age 82, runs a San FranSicko money shop, Financial Leasing Services LLC, has a very bad day and goes home to blow off some steam with a gay hooker who is apparently an incestuous pedophile. They get to arguing over drugs in their underwear at 2AM (at age 82 in the home of the third in line to be president mind you… meaning some sort of security were there, like the third person who opened door). Nancy’s fake faggot husband calls the police to report a domestic disturbance and they send over the VIP squad to handle it tactfully because that vengeful bitch would ruin the career of anyone who would not. Then while the cops were there the gay prostitute picked up a hammer and cracked Paul’s skull open in front of cops in the home of the speaker of the house. He is rushed to a hospital for emergency brain surgery and the media hacks at Rolling Stone run cover blaming MAGA white domestic extremists. Welcome to Weimerica circa 2022. Pelosi’s company Rollingstone white washing: Open mic on SFPD debrief coverup: Write up on attacker: Cop comms proving Paul knew him. ---- Indeed. I make it a point to avoid suicide cults, especially ones that have cannibalistic rituals with sippy cups of overly sweet wine larping as jew blood. The crackers suck too. Odin’s mead hall will have boiled peanuts with lager and perhaps charcuterie. ---- “Repairing the world’ is just jewish for tikkun olam which is a satanic plot to make the world good for jewish demons at the expense of anyone else. Genociding goyim is part of that. He is being rewarded appropriately in conjunction with jewish values. ---- This is how you know the parents are CIA spooks: asking for the annual budget deficit like Jones has a money printer or Rothchild’s bank account or something. Dude I updated the ask amount to 2,750,965,000,000 for my givesendgo support campaign and it was too much and got defaulted to 9 9s. Anyone know Powell’s contact info? ---- Tomorrow’s news today: Castro’s bastard son will look solemn as his WEF government genocides heritage Canadians. Any government that disarms a population intends to exterminate it. ---- I read a lot about how the terror worked in the first few decades of the Soviet Union. I really don’t think anyone gets it. People still act like this is a civil society with rules and laws and protections. People don’t understand the awesome power big tech has to compile dissident lists or what can be done with some lists to the people who dared challenge the regime. These people know what they voted for. They know they are condemning children to death at no savings. You think a letter will reach into their souls? You can call me a coward if you want but ‘speaking out’ and ‘protesting’ and going public like Alex Jones and Kayne let alone letter writing is an invitation for pain that comes with 0 gain. The only time contact info for ‘letter writing campaigns’ would be useful is during the real cool times when people leave their cell phones phones at home and go make a road trip. But of course the person who posted the contact info better have done it routed through TOR and a dozen countries with shoddy record keeping for five eyes. Between now and the real cool times it’s a more effective strategy to ‘play along’ and be a ‘dutiful citizen’ and if you don’t have it in you to enjoy yourself during the real cool times you should consider just submitting to the technocratic slavers because you will achieve nothing except futile lashing out that only hurts you. Understand something, at present this country is dead and only tyranny and pain is coming. The only way this trajectory changes is if men who preserve the way of life you would like use force against those who have taken over. There are no legal or political pathways to restore America. It’s over save force. ---- It doesn’t matter. Futures are what the puppet masters use to drive price and you don’t need physical backing. Even if you demanded it they won’t even take your call. These people own governments they don’t answer to you. Look I hate the banksters as much as many of you (although its a bit personal with me seeing as how despite my intelligence I lack the pedigree or discipline to keep my racist mouth shut to stay employed). Best I can figure is get my end of the money printer nut figuring out what the masters of the universe do and following their wake and do good things with it. ---- pledging your sacred honor is a fools fucking errand in the land of propaganda hell when a govt stooge like Alex Jones can get bankrupted by other govt stooges pretending to have their kids shot up in a CT school that never existed to propagandize idiots like you to give up all their guns. Alex’s crime was he proved it was a hoax too well ruining their MK Ultra program. The same will happen to Kayne and they will bleed him dry an as efficient a billion dollar execution as you will never see is possible. Only a shabbas goy like Trump using the Jews own toolbox manages to stay 1-2 steps ahead. The rebellion, if one occurs, will be executed by nameless, faceless, anonymous social arsonists united by ideas and a visceral hatred for this global homo hell. Anyone calling for people to dox themselves or use their real name simply doesn’t understand what we are up against or is so naïve as to be worse than useless assuming you aren’t a fucking fed yourself. Hows that real Id working out for @JoeyCamp2020, @SomeBitchIKnow and @MrJoePrich not to mention the boogaloo boys and the Charlottesville planners and every other whitenat the system has managed to destroy. Compare to @kittylists or myself who has so far remained unmolested because our opsec is stellar. Figure some shit out for your own sake quickly. ---- First and only rule of dissident fight club: GAE TECH NOT ALLOW Look folks any benefit you get from tech will be outweighed by the inevitability you use it poorly and get burnt. It’s a fucking KGB spy device with multiple cameras, microphone, and internal processing AI to determine what you are doing when, where, and with whom. ---- The everything app X is social credit scores and programable money. RESIST THIS WITH YOUR LIFE. Musk is a jew. ---- Broke: don’t vote Woke: vote early and often Bespoke: be in charge of counting the vote. ---- [on Kanye West] Holy fuck. This is stream of conscience and he’s well aware he risks getting whacked. This may be legit. Did they MKUltra him and he broke free? ---- A doc friend who is actually qualified to read the genetic analysis of original covid and omicron thinks they tested it on Uyghurs (lots of aryan admixture) that were mostly malnurshied factory workers who had no vit D from little exposure to sunlight and got a 5% death rate which was what they were going for. Americans are healthier in the ways that mattered with vit D and E especially southerners. It’s likely why I never got it despite traveling all over the country in that timeframe. I eat 2-3 fortified free range chicken eggs a day and get more than enough of key nutrients. ---- Exactly. My biggest worry is programmable digital money. That is a expressway ticket to hell. I and millions of others will not be rationed or controlled that way. The left couldn’t help themselves. It would take 2 weeks before they wanted to ban Trump supporters from buying groceries. Second is related as it would get you the former and the complete fiscal implosion of the US. Third is seizure of gold under trading with enemy act. That has a century of SC case law approving it being banned from ownership. They aren’t getting mine (if I even owned any good luck proving it) but you get the idea. Fourth is some sort of confiscatory taxation scheme that I couldn’t easily work around. Wealth taxes are not constitutional at present but there are some really ugly perfectly constitutional ideas I can think of to assess states a tax that they incentivize to go get from property tax rates at a massive discount to feds trying to force Whites back into cities and off our land that I would be unhappy paying or even unable to if they assessed a 90% tax from money saved. Just nasty shit like that these WEF jew cocksuckers could think up. Fifth is breakdown of supply chain where things I want and need just can’t be had. I had a helluva time building this house in 2021 and getting everything I needed for it including AC, appliances, furniture, etc. And about 11th is seizure of IRAs. ---- You’re good. “The way I see it, this distributed, decentralized movement exists to be entropic and destructive. It doesn't require anything other than its adherents' total failure at life and their increase in number outpacing everyone else realizing they having a problem with it. We can't invert that.” > I think we can. Here is a draft manifesto to unite Whitey defined by this painting, messaging goals, mission statement and opsec. We are god’s chosen and achieve order naturally. We need only prime instructions: 1. I want to go back (painting) 2. It’s OK to be White (victimhood) 3. My politics are whatever ends this (woke shit) A. Work collaboratively with racially aware straight White mento better yourselves, family, and community. A.2 Public image counts, be only positive publicly. A.3 Never rat out a brother or harm a fellow White. B. Any bad deed against others is acceptable to achieve positive results for Whites and especially to protect us. B.2 Never talk about dirty jobs done exclusively in dark. B.3 No females, fags, fats, or non Whites on the inside. C: Work exclusively offline and off grid. C.2 Tech only used to communicate innocuously. C.3 All tech is enemy spy devices. Limit or exclude use. “So we can't replicate what they do, because the whole structure of how they function can only result in what we do not want. But we also can't do anything else? When I eventually go offline for good it's not gonna result in anything other than being cut off. I don't know how to become part of a decentralized, distributed movement that is *constructive* on any scale, and also lacks hierarchy. I mean I guess I'm just saying I am failing to grok, which is an admission of deficiency and not a critique of anything you said.” > See above. Would that work? To your house or street or town? Assume everyone is doing the same where they are. “I have heretofore understood the opsec concern as a generalized one, as in: you never want anyone to discover who and what you are. But that is just *known* about me. I can't take it back. I think I understand now that you mean it more specifically.” > Shrug, I don’t answer questions. Lawyer. Prove it. ---- “It is the extremists who you need to embrace for real change.” You all won’t want to hear this but you need to because it’s something Hezbollah understands and why they rule a good chunk of Lebanon and have for decades. The extremists don’t offer me anything. In fact you’re all a liability to me. You think I want 30 federal agents swarming my compound at 5 in the morning? I don’t see any evidence at all that there is a shred of strategic thinking, practical thinking, or even an understanding of human fundamental nature and politics from anyone and anywhere on the alt right. Post Charlottesville it has been totally destroyed. Only angry hopeless people remain. Patriot Front is the light at the end of the tunnel. However they too will be infiltrated and destroyed in time. Their value is educational and inspirational to show you the way so mirror images can emerge and overwhelm the system. The alt right needs to build back better with smarter politics, strategies, and ideas. The mob cell that protected the Italian neighborhoods, the guys tough enough to go explain things to a woke school principle at night, that sort of hypothetical thing in mine-craft. I mean no personal offense and I sympathize with many of the causes and want to help but neither am I looking to mount a cross for no benefit and no visible achievement either. This is my GenX bootstrap speech… you all need to wise up and brush up on dissident tactics, thinking, and opsec. ---- I am not looking for a fight with those that feel this way or decide to abstain, although I disagree with you all on this line of thinking. Republicans are merchants and sheltered and weak but they are not evil, most of them anyway. Only a few are true power brokers (McConnell, Pompeo, Dick Cheney, Nixon, Bush Sr) who can weld power and not be destroyed by the swamp. The nationalists love people and country but don’t really have what it takes to obliterate the established oligarchy. Trump caused us more harm than good and I fear the same from DeSantis. To the extent GOP ‘normies’ advocate for blacks and latinos and faggotry they do so because they can read a demographic chart and realize their base is dwindling. You are mistaking half-hearted self-interest for malice. This country terminated on Jan 6 2021 IMO and I have no illusions about where this all leads to but I’m not exactly gung ho about a marxist hell being ushered in at ludicrous speed. I like laws, order, infrastructure, utilities, energy, food, meat, guns, low taxes, a state and local govt that isn’t overly burdensome. GOP gives me that and still has a solid track record of slowing down the left. Obama got very little done in years 3-8 when GOP ran congress. Team A is swinging for the fences and we aren’t ready. There is a difference between the parties. GOP isn’t the fourth reich but they still serve a purpose. Our time would be better spent trying to rig elections our way than boycotting them in nihilistic futility. Actual accelerationism likely ends with tens of millions dead. If that isn’t White genocide what is? Just my $0.02 If we can’t win we buy time and work like mad to change the body politic to our way of thinking while building support structures to help our own people. ---- I use to be a value investor. I once believed in the efficient market theory. Then the Great Recession through now happened. I don’t know what these corrupt cocksuckers are doing with this oil price cap and begging opec not to cut production like a bunch of little bitches or what it means but if I tried hard enough I could prob figure it out. (It would mean oil up, bond rates up, equities down). Instead I’m closing my oil shorts up a little, some of my bond shorts, and all of my precious metal shorts and calling 30k gains in 7 hours a fucking win. I’m a little tuned up right now and after a quick shower intend to bury my face in pussy and then pass out. ---- Providing material support to ‘domestic terrorists’ would be a federal crime. Why would I ever admit to that to some rando online? @RSSimmons Now admiring the work of personalities that actual terrorists accuse of being terrorists… that’s perfectly legal and for many of them including St Timothy, I do! ---- No. Biden is humiliation ritual. The entities that stole 2020 have firm control and they will genocide your entire race before giving it up. Guys like me can take them down but guys like you keep holding onto what doesn’t exist anymore and stop us. ---- There are obviously demons and good and evil. The old testament likely captures some essence of what is out there. Whatever christianity is now it’s no bearing or basis on the old ways. ---- I disabled tor and vpn to say this: I WISH FOR NOTHING MORE THAN A WHITE ETHNOSTATE AND TOTAL NIGGER AND JEWISH DEATH. ---- I just want you to understand something. Ok Texas has really good healthcare or did anyway but the state grew faster than doctors came here and this was before covid. State has added 2-3M people since then so even shorter supply now. At least half if not more the doctors here are fucking commies pushing this vax bullshit lock stop and barrel… I’ve been thrown out of offices already for being a dirty unvaxed. So what has happened is the Texans (about 50% unvaxed and 60-70% dubious of this scam at this point) avoid those docs like the plague and go find anyone who will take them that doesn’t care. Except those old timer country docs now have more patients than they ever know what to do with. I can’t even throw money at this problem they don’t need it and are taking care of friends and family first. Carpet baggers back of the line. I get it… I do it’s ok. But still. Too add to this the price of a decent health insurance plan for K and I that covers maternity is over $40,000 a year with over a $10k deductible. Not that either of us would be able to use it because the doctors aren’t taking new patients and the ones that are want to jab us with jewish death before they deal with any other problems we have. So I won’t spend that kind of money at all. I will pay cash if I can get seen anywhere which is a whole other issue because they assume you are poor and need charity. No, I need a service and will you like anyone else. You don’t need a deposit look at my Stetson and belt buckle I’m not a poor. What is bill I pay right now in cash! - does not compute. I actually signed K up for Obamacare which is practically free because she is technically unmarried and has a registered income of around 40k a year that I funnel to her from the oil well for tax efficiently reasons. Way I look at it is just getting my tax money back and better us than Latisha. Anyway she at least has insurance to spare her the ‘pay in cash’ indignity bullshit I have to fucking deal with if she can get seen anywhere. I’m literally a millionaire and can’t buy healthcare in this fucking country. Dentists and vets are just as fucking bad. I literally would get better care and quicker and cheaper going to Mexico at this point. Just south of Brownsville has a whole industry setup for retired murica. BTW when K had to go to hospital for some bleeding they tried to get me out of the room after asking us about the vax. I flat out said no and neither of us are taking it so end it right now and they told her I needed to leave so they could talk to her. She said absolutely not I’m staying with her. I assume they would have tried to take advantage of her mildly panicked mental state and inject her with it if I left. I can not tell you how enraged I am over this dysfunctional fucking shit show or how much I loathe this profession at this point. ---- Shut the fuck up jew. A woman’s full potential is birthing many fine children for her husband she is hopefully wedded to before age 18. ---- Nonconformist: You have to start assuming at this point the major economic data is fabricated to achieve various results for political point scoring JCSlater: This is primary reason I’m looking to step away from the firm we got going earlier this year. I basically have to envision Dr Evil manipulating the market, figure out what he will do and wants to happen, then back into acceptable quant data to justify those trades. It fucks with your head. What if this stops can I still trade and be successful at it? Lol. ---- Planting seeds is ‘we have wine and crackers every sunday’. Going right for eternal damnation is the jugular. You’ll note I actually encouraged you to keep up with the old testament recruitment approach. I personally think the whole ball of Christian wax is wicked but it’s a helluva lot less wicked than the Weimar insanity we got going on now with godless genderless sodomites corrupting the souls and minds of children. If you immediately go on the defensive with me how are you ever going to vanquish them? Have you considered god sent me to test your worthiness as a disciple to spread the faith? Have you met the challenge in my relatively friendly proving ground or failed the test??? You can’t keep failing… children need saving before God has to send fire from the sky to wipe out our sin filled lands. EMBRACE YOUR TEMPLAR AND CRUSADER SPIRITS. Go convert the groomers and banish their wicked souls to hell! Dues Vult! ---- Let me tell you doctors somethin… between this shit and covid, I view you as little more than grossly overpaid ghoulas and agents of state sanctioned ethnic cleansing progroms. You would do well to correct this ASAP. I know exactly who killed my fucking family. I know where you are, where you work, what you eat for breakfast. I know what you did and I know you know what you did. Judgement day comes for us all. ---- Earlier today I got personal and threw friendly fire on election shit and I am sorry. The people here on gab have had things rough enough and don’t need more shit from me so to that extent I was wrong and am sorry. I have a temper but genuinely try not to pick fights with my own. Again I’m sorry. I have personal reasons why I care about Texas and Pennsylvania. I am intimately aware of Shapiro, Doug Magiwopwhatever, Abbott, and Beto. Beto and Shapiro are absolute evil scum as you all both know. Shapiro printed a million ballots and rigged multiple state elections. He covered up a 30k nursing home genocide perpetrated by fellow jew Levine. He fucked my family hard and to see that kike kicked to the curb would be satisfaction incarnate. Beto is a satanic cultist would would do great damage to Texas, which I love. He had a hand in the Uvalde child sacrifice. He would go after guns and harm ranchers and oil men. He is evil and dangerous. Both states would benefit from virtually anyone over those two. Doug won’t save Pa but he won’t plunder it and kill White people or rig an election. Abbott has done a much better job than people give him credit for in my opinion. He’s pissed me off but where it counts he’s done good. My $0.02 is if you can improve your life and the lives of your fellow Whites by participating in an election you should do so while continuing all efforts to help our people. If there are two bad choices and you want to stay away I get it but if one makes a real difference over another why throw away your vote? Again I love you all no offense was intended. I let passions get the better of me and lashed out. ---- When the ruling Jew stratum sees our posts their one single driving thought is, 'How can we kill these people ASAP?' Boring old cuckservatism would balk at that. This generation of Democrats won't. ---- What does 'climate change' have to do with White genocide? If the hypothesis is correct it's White technology that murdered the world. Therefore we deserve to die. This is what leftists actually believe. ---- There is no 'climate crisis' and I won't signal boost any vermin (Borzoi...) who claims there is. This is the danger of tolerating insane ideologies at the top. By 1990 the ruling stratum was all-in on climate hysteria. By 1980 they were all in on faggotry, which is why AIDS didn't result in quarantine or exile for the plague rats. Anyone who believes in climate fraud is your enemy. ---- I'm not a conservative. If it takes deporting 100 million I am fine. If it takes deporting them from this manifold... also fine. ---- I see you initiated the hellthread you shitheel. Witches were probably proto-feminists and got what they deserved. Usury is a crime and will be abolished by the secular imperium. Also leftists are enemies of the state and will be exiled. Bye. ---- Listening to Michael Shermer defend 'climate change consensus' did more to diminish my opinion of science than a thousand creationist tracts. ---- A hydra like cabal of WEF henchmen is executing a plan of global domination to usher in an era of technocratic slavery and hell. As a free man who likes property, family, community, meat, personal transportation, freedom, air conditioning, heat, etc… I am interested in stymying their advances in any which way I can. Unless you are a self sufficient farmer with impenetrable defenses to not get kulacked on your own fucking land when the WEF stuffed shirt takes over and decides to increase your taxes 10 fold and cull your cattle maybe wise the fuck up. What have you done to build self sufficient White communities and solidarity? Jack shit. Incrementalism and buy as much time as you fucking can. And no dominion voting isn’t in Tx. If anything the oil and ranchmen have it rigged the other way for machine gop politics which is fine for me… TX is a very livable state. I now return you to your regularly scheduled misery. ---- K was upset at me for not bringing her with me but the plane was only a two seater but the pilot had another larger faster one and we took that instead so I could get there faster she could have came. I finally explained I was on the no fly list for an unknown reason so we’d have to work with private pilots to go anywhere or drive. She found this tittalating, dropped all pretense of resentment, and gave me sweet sweet domestic terrorist morning sex. I did good boys. 👍🏻 ---- In another life I was around the darker side of BDSM culture… to a T 80-90% child sex abuse victims. Prob virtually all of them with a few psychopaths mixed in. All deeply damaged flawed people coping with the damage done to them. Some have the strength of character to escape and heal, others that might be cathartic if they have enough control to keep themselves safe from disease. What I do know is exposing children to this tier of sexuality will raise an entire generation of fucked up, suicidal, uber predators. Corruption of a minor laws existed for a damn good reason… likely enough men who got stuck with farm wives diddled by their uncle at age 8 or had to go deal with farm boys who were assblasting sheep after the priest fucked them to fucking get it and the implications for adulthood and made laws against it while they bogged/roofed predators quietly. We are in store for a utter horror show. ---- 3 years of being a monk and the 18 months I lasted no fap was the best thing I never did for myself, reset so much of the mental damage this society creates. A man must have complete control over his mind and body. ---- Just FYI you leftists and WEF enthusiasts and know it all urban bugman who think you have farming and energy production figured out… YOU ARE NOW THREATENING OUR LIVES AND VERY EXISTENCE ON TOP OF PREYING ON OUR CHILDREN. Immediately cease and desist the following ill conceived practices. 1. Any and every sexual notion pertaining to minors. No exceptions, you wait until they are 18. Any and every rule violation subjects you to potential terminal punishment at anyones discretion at any time by any method. 2. Any and every policy regarding access to water and food, food production, access to fertilizer, etc. Hungry people say ‘ah fuck it’ while congregating in large angry crowds, storm your palaces, burn them down, and curb stomp your face into hamburger while the rest of applaud it. If you try to prevent us from eating meat we might decide to hunt and cook you. I will eat liberals before I eat a beyond meat burger or bugs. That’s a fucking promise. I authored my own private cookbook of recipes I reverse engineered from Hannibal Lector episodes and movies. Don’t fucking test me. 3. Not minding your own fucking business with regards to our health and your experimental medical treatments. What medications we take or want to refuse is our business. Failure to comply may subject you to experimental injections of clorox bleach and carbonic acid in retribution. Also, fuck you abortion is now illegal. Payback is a real bitch. Your body, my choice. 4. Subjecting us to your religious sacrifices to your angry weather skygod that is making it expensive to buy gasoline and electricity. If it gets to expensive we might buy a liter and a pack of matches with our remaining devalued dollars and find the nearest green energy advocate and show you what we think of you in our own religious ceremony. NOD CONFIDENTLY AND SINCERELY SO WE NOTE YOU UNDERSTAND. 5. Continuing to exist. Kill yourself you utter dreg of humanity. Trust me you owe it to the world to reduce your own carbon. This has been a PSA paid for by funds siphoned cleverly from the fiat currency central bank racket. THE MOAR YOU KNOW! 🌈™️©️®️ ---- The fed is actually engaged in a rate hiking program right now they announced late last year and federal funds rate is currently set at 1.50 to 1.75%. They are expected to raise it another 75-100bps this Wednesday. Normura capital has been calling it perfectly this year and sees the following. However I think the fed only raises 75 or maybe 50 on Wed and softens language on reviewing econ data before raising more. Basically their trick is to lower rates to spur econ growth or to add money liquidity by buying fed bonds and putting them on their balance sheet, about 9T right now. They also have another 2T or so in an overnight repo facility which is not as nefarious as it sounds. The covid measures put a cap on how much the fed can add to balance sheet and it’s there. In a low inflation environment fed wants to lower rates and print money. In a high inflation environment the fed raises rates and tightens. So far it’s barely tightened. The fed isn’t sure in can do this rate hikes and tightening without crashing the global economy. Given bond rates over last 2 weeks the street already thinks the fed will cave about 6-7 months from now at the Feb 2023 FOMC meeting. ---- I am completely done with boomer idiots and christian ‘hug a nigger’ faggots at this point. I have lived and worked around them for over a decade. They aren’t fucking human. It’s not socioeconomic. Whites are different than the other races. Fucking figure it out already. Your naivety and denial is literally killing Whites and White civilization. At best some strong White men might be able to do business with some of the better black men but behind them is 95% feral criminal violent ape. ---- I consider this info highly reliable: Europe will liquidate more gold, likely tonight but maybe next week that will drive metal prices down one more time. 1680 gold 18 silver. Maybe even lower like 1650 From there go long gold and gold miners (SGDM is excellent) but not necessarily silver. I have a lot of precious metals physically and advised clients to hold them as well but we need to hedge and the most efficient way is to short silver, which we did at 18.75. ---- I consider this info highly reliable: Europe will liquidate more gold, likely tonight but maybe next week that will drive metal prices down one more time. 1680 gold 18 silver. Maybe even lower like 1650 From there go long gold and gold miners (SGDM is excellent) but not necessarily silver. I have a lot of precious metals physically and advised clients to hold them as well but we need to hedge and the most efficient way is to short silver, which we did at 18.75. ---- I’m going to tell you all something: every character in Wall Street 1 and Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps and the Big Short (except for the chink MBS Salesman and the fat fucker who told Burry ‘Give me my money’) and every character in Margin Call (except for Demi Moore and that cunt Wife of Kevin Spacey) is more redeemable than 99.9% of fuckers in this financial industry. ---- Becky21k: Lots of oil in storage would indicate a lack of demand, so why is the price so damn high? JCSlater: Evil jews control the world and make it so. Understanding this and outthinking them is something I can do more often than not. ---- yes you understand things precisely Frank. But you see EIA had a data outage for two weeks and when it came back on it showed massive inventory builds (I am now dubious of) for the last three weeks which drove the price of oil down under $100 for the first time in Feb the day before record hot inflation data was released just as I predicted in late June (I just make market decisions thinking around what would an evil puppet master do to make other people’s money their money through manipulation). They want commodities down in Q3 to run the market up a bit into August before they plunge the world into darkness this fall and winter. In reality the fucking morons in EU cut off too much Ural crude supply to the world and despite high prices demand destruction not really taking hold so they released inventories from the SPR to the tune of 3 mbpd to make up for the supply shortfall that doesn’t and shouldn’t really exist… but the financial pricks claim it does and trade on it so prices stay high while Immorten Joe blames the CEO of Chevron for price fixing. Ok so this is why oil is $95-97 now. What should happen is idiots conclude Saudis will pump more and oil gets driven down to $88-92 because I pay for a report that shows me where futures positioning is targeting for a price. At that point then it’s a decision on do TPTB tank economy so much demand destruction occurs and actual oil price declines take hold or do they fuck with supply and permitting enough to drive price back up plus starve the world this winter causing 1/4 of world govts to fall and requiring massive military intervention. Plus BRICS have enough and decide to just embargo the west. I’m betting the latter. Ok are you still with me? This is how you have to invest in 2022. Did I mention I fucking hate this game? ---- The uniparty sends their recently in-shape war hawk out to jingle jangle the cause of freeeeeedom for Ukraine where the brave conscripted goyim cannon fodder is sent to the front line to be blasted by Ruskies. Freedom means jews get to cut the dicks and tits off white children in-between sterilizing them them with the kill shot. And Mike Pompeo has the answers why this is important to janitors and school marms in flyover country. ---- Wef bankster: “It is not mis_ it is no management. ECB abandoned the EUR purposely, to get more advantage in trade face off with China and US _ quickest route to growth. By the end of the year, we will be describing that willful neglect as *genius*.” Me: “EU will have nothing to export by the end of they year - as its factories will grind to a halt by fall. Well, nothing except misery and devalued fiat. As a preview for gas short fall, US and Qatar have been able to replace 20% of russian gas so far. The thing to go long is chemical/plastic industry in US and BRICS, when they bottom. And while prices in futures may be global - it's availability locally is what matters - especially in things like food and heat.” WEF Banker: “No that was not my note. The very low level EUR will give Europe a large advantage over US and China if the Ukraine invasion results in a stalemate _ that is probably at the end of the year. It is the subsequent FX advantage which data adept and I were discussing with the low EUR valuations (and you decided to butt in with a non sequitur).” Me: “This is what happens when you spend too much time in the uncouth Americans and adopt their ways. I must admit the plan being outlined here defies my comprehension but alas I never made the grade nor had the pedigree for WEF banker and MOTU! Best of luck to the homeland. They are all very confident so it must be going well.” > Me: “EU will have nothing to export by the end of they year - as its factories will grind to a halt by fall. Well, nothing except misery and devalued fiat. As a preview for gas short fall, US and Qatar have been able to replace 20% of russian gas so far. The thing to go long is chemical/plastic industry in US and BRICS, when they bottom. And while prices in futures may be global - it's availability locally is what matters - especially in things like food and heat.” You should turn this into a meme picture for future reposting with "*taps the sign*". Never before in my life was I unsure whether I will be alive one year from now and/or whether I will still be living in Germany. LOL I guess. Once you give up on being American/German and embrace a different ‘nationality’ it gets easier. I was identifying as a Texan but even that will disappoint soon so prospective drainage commissioner eyeing up a county council seat for podunk county West TX near [unimaginative one syllable town name] will just have to do unless they fuck even that up, steal our land, and dump diversity on us (unlikely not much water here). In that case fuck it I’ll head south. ---- Quad vaxed rich retired banker worth 37M croaked today with a massive stroke. He got three cancers after his pfizer shot and went back to that brilliant company for their covid pill after getting a 104 degree fever. Got an email 15 mins ago from the wife and a follow up from his oldest kid asking how they could withdraw his money from the fund in the meantime. ---- [Rothschild] he wants to watch the world burn. Simple as. ---- Ok from what I can determine the WEF banksters are going to go for the great reset. They will plunge the world into utter chaos. Europe is totally fucked, by design. They are both evil and insane and some know what they are doing and don’t care. The little people are slaves and the police and military will deal with them. I pushed back very hard on a few things and told them what they wanted to do was too fucking unnatural and would just blow it all up. They don’t care. There is a conduit of information exchange… several actually.. it would stun you to know who is on there. I know who some are… suspect others. Europe and RF and WEF was being discussed all weekend. This is where the info comes from. Get ready for a dark winter. God speed. ---- As far as I can determine the following is true: > There are about 82 million single family homes in the US, mostly owned by the people living in them. 16M owned by others and rented, 250-400K owned by institutions. Many of these 16M are owned by craven real estate agents with small LLC companies looking to make a buck. > Some institutional buyers bought some neighborhoods of new home construction in growing metro areas like Phoenix, Atlanta, and north of Houston as part of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). The neighborhood in Houston was surplus inventory the builder actually started renting to avoid his prices falling and then sold to a boutique private equity shop to reclaim his capital. Phoenix damn near bankrupted Zillow and they got out at a loss. Other neighborhoods have had mixed success. I’m sure some are going to do section 8 and other shit we all hate. But it’s likely not the majority, millions, or a threat to overall home ownership in any way. This is mostly an experiment for REITs and in my opinion will be stoped because it’s not fiscally sound. > Blackrock and Vanguard have funds anyone can invest in. They have and have always had REITS but mostly own commercial real estate or apartment complexes. Apparently they are experimenting with financing new home construction to rent. This sucks, I’m against it, but I don’t think this is a significant portion of the market nor do I think this will be continued in earnest. But we’ll see. > Blackstone is a private equity firm in NYC. They own a property management company that owns 1/4 million mostly vacation rentals. They have grown to a degree over last 2-3 years by I think 40-60k units which are mostly vacation condos. Blackrock is not Blackstone. > Moving away from 0% interest rates plus an inevitable housing correction will likely stop these business practices as they are not practical or profitable in the long term. > Homes are to be lived in. Treat them as a home not an investment and work with your tribesmen and kin to help ensure it stays that way. If you sell to the highest bidder you are part of the problem so help fix it and sell to families. I am aware Blackrock and Vanguard are run by Jews but they didn’t start that way. Vanguard was founded run by Bogle, a goyim saint who tried to save normies getting fucked by wall street snakes and pension fund thieves with the concept of a mutual fund. Blackrock copied the business model and bought iShares, an excellent ETF company. Yes they can fuck with corporate policies with proxy voting but don’t often. Proxy voting is a drop in the bucket compared to woke WEF dipshits the ivy league colleges send off to the C suites. You think Tim Rim-Job Cook makes apple gay more than some stodgey fintypes in Malvern Pennsylvania? I do. Hope this helps. I’m tired of talking about it. Believe what you want. ---- I strongly advise anyone who wants to trade options to learn about micro futures and use those over options which are perfectly constructed to fuck you. Do paper trading first to get the hang of it. I tell you if you are patient, have enough margain capital, and don’t trade the edges out (don't short at bottom or long at top) easier to make money. Taxes are all 60/40 LT/ST regardless of how long you hold them and many give you potential of 10:1 or 25:1. Put up $2k and index moves 1% can take home $400 easy. ---- Listen boomer communism is jewish. White ethno-fascism is the response to it. The NAZIs amused themselves tasking Soros, a little jew boy, to confiscate other Jew’s property for the reich. He never forgot and has been hell bent on revenge since. International Judea created ANTIFA to terrorize Germany during Weimar. The third reich stomped them out. You are so utterly confused it’s just sad. Why don’t you give it a break and go all in on that short you are hellbent and convinced transpires this month? I don’t chase Apple and haven’t seriously owned it since 2018. You are quite literally batting 0 with me. ---- This is engraved in a sign on my front gate post. They will have been warned. “The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.” ---- I quite literally think along the lines of what Ernst Stavro Blofeld would do and then outthink them using quant and sentiment analysis to out-trade them. ---- Flying cars… we were promised flying cars. We got rich genocidal jews, squalid third world cities, demands to have our children raped by mentally ill cross dressing pedophile freaks to work, Cold showers, and sustainable agriculture to starve out 30% of the fucking planet. At this point in the plot, it would be high time to drag these fucking jews and their stuffed shirt empty headed ‘politicians’ in the street to turn them into hamburger as though our lives depend on it. BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY DO. ---- I like a diversified approach of some gold, silver (esp the small coins you can trade with), some fiat cash, and some in the system. If you aren’t already sitting on 6+ months of food and pallets of ammo better have deep lifelong friends who are along with a useful skill or fuckable sister/wife. ---- The problem with this line of thinking is that the 401k was designed by goyim legislators and the mutual fund by goyim saint Bogle who actually gave a shit about the common man and provided him a means to get rich slowly beating the system that had previously exploited them. No such system has put as much wealth into the control of the hands of common people as these savings vehicles. Prior to them wall street parasites exploited people and 98% of all corporate pensions were raided and destroyed by rich corrupt executives. There are problems yes but consider the alternatives. ---- Padraig Martin: All revolutions are violent. The successful ones build parallel systems first. Consider this... The Irish lost 16 previous attempts at violent revolution. They owned none of the banking, media, print, weapons, financial systems, or any other facet of Irish society in 1916/1918. Yet, they won with ZERO foreign support. The British has just won WWI and had battalions of battle hardened troops to send to Ireland - which they did. Yet the Irish - with far less resources than us - won independence. Why? The Irish Republican Brotherhood built a parallel system, first. So what's your plan, tough guy? I get it all the time - "Fight!," "Hang the traitors!," and "Real Patriots are ready to shoot!" I get complaints that I am some kind of wimp because I do not embrace a violent assault on the vile US Government. About 50% of those making such posts and comments are Feds. They are trying to ensnare you in a conspiracy trap. About 50% are legitimate, well intentioned individuals of varying levels of mental stability who believe fighting is the only way out of our current mess. Let me clear the record: whereas I do not believe things will fix themselves and a fight may eventually occur, no mater how successful your fight, you need a plan for the post-revolution you seek. I am not only a student of insurgencies, having done my graduate thesis on how to build successful revolutions using the Iranian model, but I also spent almost 20 years working on the logistics of supporting insurgent operations. I know what is needed. My favorite aspect of insurgencies are the comms necessary to build and guide them. Revolutiomary Propaganda is crucial to support. Thanks to the US Government, I have worked in this field for decades. You - random sincere Gab Patriot - have done nothing for the revolt you seek. There has NEVER been a successful revolution without a parallel system. Whether it was the United States of 1775, Ireland 1918, Iran 1978, or Romania 1992, you will never succeed without a "Shadow System." Economically, Torba is right. You need to build a parallel economy. You need a parallel legal structure... parallel education system... parallel monetary structure... you need to develop systems necessary to replace the collapsed state after you win. If you offer no alternative, no one will join your fight. It will die at the Pale. How do you achieve this? Build. Build local and expand. Know the other local tribes. We have had a very successful series of meetings recently between like minded individuals. Last weekend, seventeen non-ID farm families met at my home to arrange food trade arrangements. This year, our education and medical initiatives will begin in Florida. Politically, we have worked diligently to ensure about twenty-five local politicians in Florida are elected. Most of them will win. We have built companies to hire doxxed dissidents. We even began an arbitration court in NE Florida to bypass local courts for minor disputes. We are quickly removing our people from Government services. You want to fight, tough guy? Put down your guns - not far mind you (they eventually may be needed) - and pick up a parallel path that completely undermines the US Government. We are all capable of fighting. What is next? If you are TRULY a revolutionary, you need to offer your people an alternative. We are. What are you doing, other than talking tough? You want to win? Build. ---- Here are five pieces of advice for the alt-right. 1. ‘Hitler did nothing wrong’ is not the litmus test, it’s the final exam. You know someone is on your team when they come to that conclusion on their own. If you start with Hitler you’ll drive people away. 2. Selling the ideas of national socialism with Hitler, Nazi, and the Swastika might as well be a pack of Oreo cookies with these ‘branding’ symbols on them. ☢️☣️🤢. It sucks but tough shit. The ideas sell so repackage them and rebrand. 3. Do not fight against normie’s core programming: hack it and use it for your own gains. The jews conquered the western world on a bullshit guilt trip. Victimization and questioning authority works (‘why do you get to decide?’ ‘who made you dictator?’ ‘Why aren’t they the bad guys?’). Put them on defensive. Point out they are attacking you. Dead children trump ‘muh white privilege’. If a word is triggering use a different one like ‘traditional culture’ and ‘heritage Americans’. Ask why they hate White Americans so much. Why do they think White lives don’t matter?’ Personalize it and make them the bad guys. Discussing their privilege and abuse of power works as well. 4. The good is not the enemy of the ideal. If you go after people and things that benefit you and your tribe you will be avoided like the plague you are. Take what you can get, say thank you, and advance to the next agenda item. Eat shit if you have to for the greater agenda or the bigger picture but always advance. 5. All politics is local. Strong families, racial awareness and identity, neighborhood, community, county, etc. Life sustenance matters. The mob was loved because they helped little people with their problems. Hezbollah is impenetrable because they keep the jackals away and the supplies flowing. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine put fliers out offering to lower electric bills, cancel debts, and provide physical safety. That builds loyalty and you build on that. Keep being dumbfucks and you will get no where. ---- I don’t have enough fucking crayons in the house for this. Will you fuckers please pay attention. I really am about two seconds away from washing my hands of the right in it’s entirely and just throw in with the ruling elite because they actually win. IT’S NOT ABOUT THE FUCKING SCHOOL BOARD, it’s about inciting a mob of angry pissed off parents to demonize the woke commie shit lib teachers as pedophiles. The school board will instinctually defend their pedo groomer teachers which makes it even worse. See now you have a tribe of collective anger in White parents, something to get angry and organize over, etc. You’ll eventually scare the shit out of the school boards and they slithering commie fuckers will retreat. THEN YOU KEEP THAT SHIT AND ORGANIZATION GOING FOR THE NEXT THING. Maybe you’ll get really lucky and some asshole cop gets called to arrest the grieving parent of little Timmy who killed himself because Teacher blue hair told him he was a girl. Then you’ll have a martyr. Do you know what to do with a martyr? Prob not. Figure it out. No ones coming to save you. ---- Robert Lewis: A long talk on a long drive today with someone very close to me who is right leaning but hates politics and media with a passion. The talk started with questions about the movie 13 Hours & the real story behind it (I have friends who were there for the things the movie and narrative don't mention). Topic moved to Ambassador Steven's and his horrible final hours. Morphed to Ghadaffi and his extremely similar death. The next logical question was, "was Ghadaffi a bad guy?" You know how sometimes you have something stuck in the back of your head that doesn't connect until you explain it to someone? So the response... "Its not that he was a bad guy. You have to understand the general belief that all wars are bankers wars. They make so much money because of industrialists and bankers like Presscott Bush (GHWB's dad & GWB's gramps) who funded both the Nazi and American armies in WWII. The Rothschilds have been funding both sides of major wars for centuries. Ghadaffi's main mistake- eerily similar to what Putin is doing at this very moment- was trying to take Africa off European central banks and move to a single currency, the Gold Dinar (of course backed by gold). By wanting to move sales of all African oil to the Gold Dinar rather than US dollar, he made himself a target of the central banks, which made him a target of the US State Dept. And funny enough, Putin has linked the Ruble to Gold, and is demanding Europe pay for Russian oil in gold or roubles. And wouldn't you know? The US State Dept has made a Color Revolution in Russia their entire focus. Ended with a simple statement. "People will call what I just told you a baseless conspiracy theory. But how many times does the same exact situation have to play out the same exact way before people realize it's no theory but a statement of fact?" ---- JCBale: When you agreed to make gays and trannies your equals, you set the table for them to talk to kids about sex. It’s so tiresome how you fools keep getting jewed over and over again, yet you learn nothing from it. ---- I’m not a billionaire Oligarch lady so I don’t have a voice and my vote doesn’t count for jack shit. Lobbying dollars do. And then the dominion voting systems and leagues of black wahmen vote counters decides how to falsify the results. You’re a good sport carrying on with me as long as you have. But it’s for naught. I will only ever write in Adolf Hitler and Rockwell and David Duke for any and all elections going forward. I wouldn’t go work for a woke company even if they begged me. As I said I homestead now and raise White awareness to get my race closer to the day we can resist the jewish tyrants with force. ---- I believe in science and we are not equal. Blacks are more genetically disparate from Whites than coyotes are from a poodle. The richest blacks are more violent than the poorest Whites. Your equality is a vicious lie that gets my people killed. I just watched a dozen videos of ‘equally’ black criminals running ramshot over your Miami area a state of emergency had to be declared in. I didn’t see any Whites acting equally to the black criminals. The cabal doesn’t want the races at eachothers throat the cabal wants a slave race of copper colored mulattos as every advertisement on the talmudivision constantly reminds us while series after series humiliates and appropriates White culture and historical figures with coopted black performances. You talk equality while reality is White erasure. Your function as a republican is to lull the Whites being destroyed into a false sense of comfort much the way hospice care drugs the patient with morphine to instigate a more pain free death. Your goal is White genocide, but orderly. My goal is White unity and White nationalism and to rekindle a warrior spirit to exterminate the jew and negro from our territory. ---- I don’t believe in fairy tales.The military has been purged and politicized. They had their chance to ‘save us’ when the election was stolen in 2020 and that faggot traitor Miley conspired with Pelosi to deploy the military against the citizenry and against that cowardly merchant Trump who blew his chance to cross the rubicon. ---- I got a degree in computer science and mathematics and graduated within 2 years of 9-11. At that time IT in the northeast was 85% White men. Bush started the ball rolling eliminating IT workers form eligible OT. I was outsourced, insourced, right sourced, etc over half a dozen times. H1B visa holders are used to ethnically cleanse White male workers from the profession. IT in the northeast is now 10-15% White men. The H1B law is abused. I was involved in the tea party, I compiled evidence the law was violated by 3 different companies, and pursued it with GOP congressmen and senators including Twoomy and Cornyn. I was told by Sr Aides of both senators the senators had seen the material and was graciously explained that I was wasting my time because the large companies wanted it. The same large companies that discriminate openly against White men, promote unqualified non Whites over Whites, and seal off the entire industry from an ethnic class of employees. Trump said he would end this program but expanded it. He was our last attempt at working within the system. I walked out of a well paying job in late 2018 during a CRT blood libel humiliation ritual class Bank of New York demanded I attend. I made well ofer a quarter million a year in that role. I took what they said seriously that Whites were evil. Fine… do without this White. You can’t sell these lies to people who have been this fucked over by the system. I’m a homesteader in west Texas now. I don’t give a shit about this country or the state which will soon be lost just the county I live in. It’s rural, White, and conservative. I am preparing for the famine to survive it and to act when the government looses control from the starving masses and we have political cover to exact our vengeance upon it. In the mean time my only political agenda is to get as many sturdy Whites to see things my way so that we can cause as much obstruction and resistance to the plans of White genocide as possible and hell, maybe even stop it with some help from our friends in the east such as Putin and Xi. ---- This use to sell but doesn’t anymore. I view this country as evil. It’s testing engineered bioweapons on the world and coercing genetic manipulation of billions with a dangerous deadly injection, I view as a jewish instrument of mass murder. I view this as a deliberate policy to exterminate boomers to reduce the liability on the social security system while sterilizing the young. This country isn’t free it has a woke state religion and anyone is destroyed who stands up to it. The political system is a farce. Dems make the change republicans administer it. You both work for the jews that occupy and control Weimerica. I understand the GOP is currently enthralled with blacks, who disproportionally victimize my tribe of fellow Whites. It’s sickening to me the first GOP president sacrificed 400,000 White souls to give freedom to a primitive race of nomadic savages with an Iq of 60. Since then they have murdered and raped millions of Whites, stolen and destroyed countless billions of property, and sucked 17T of wealth seized from hard working Whites, and completely ruined every city they occupy. Don’t tell me culture trumps race, culture is derived from race and the America way is the White way. Get rid of Whites get rid of America. I understand the GOP prioritizes blacks over Whites, which is why I prioritize Whites over talmudic puppets of the Khazar mafia. The history is lies, the TV is lies, the social media is lies. If’s all lies. Our current foreign policy is to develop a terror states in the Ukraine to promote Russian genocide. 300+ bioweapon facilities world wide? Senators McCain and Graham Cultivating a ruthless terror militia called the Azov brigade… this is America now. It’s evil. It’s damnable. It’s irredeemable. I denounce this evil country and it’s evil works. I refuse to enable it in any way. I’ve detached from the system. May the rest of the world have the decency to hold the soulless bastards who seized control of this country to do these evil works responsible and not the innocent people like me who still enable this land. The GOP brand is dying. It’s toxic to non Whites and the jews are genociding Whites as quickly as they can. It’s not a tenable situation anymore. There is nothing you can say or do to convince me to come back into the matrix. AND I AM NOT ALONE. And the puppet masters know this which is why they are engineering a famine and WW3, because they just have to kill enough of us all to hold onto their wealth and power. Best luck on your campaign. It’s meaningless to me. To the extent I can persuade anyone it is to detach from the system and stymy the ‘masters’ with as much frustrating acts of rebellion as we can muster, every hour of every day. Fuck America: may it burn to ash. ---- The policy of the US government, which is an occupied nation run by a satanic tribe of Khazar mafia, has a policy of White genocide. The demographic tipping point has already been reached. There is no coming back from this without ethno fascism and repatriating non Whites starting with any and all semites over 6% blood followed by blacks to Africa. I was a normal White guy who voted for Dubya twice, Cheney over that traitorous swine McCain, Romney, Trump, and wrote in Adolf Hitler in 2020 because of how disastrous Trump was and uncle A was the last national leader to care about his people. Go ahead and write me off though. Like I said there are no political solutions. I doubt there will even be elections in 2022, not that they matter. It’s just more theatre to placate the wage slaves. What I expect is the same govt run by a cabal of satanic pedophiles that hates me and wants me dead will start WW3, kill billions with famine, and then plunge the world into a despotic technocratic dystopian hell. At that point the chaos provides enough cover to rebel or at least exact revenge so we all go to hell together. I use to be such a nice normal guy too. I do appreciate you asking but as you can see we are nothing that anyone running for congress can associate with. ---- How about we just acknowledge that the jews fed you all a pack of lies and handed you a faith they could easily corrupt and control for 2k years and return to our old European gods. Christianity, whatever fucking flavor you practice and will assure me is ‘the correct based one’ is still a semitic adopted bunch of shit that weakens and enslaves our race. I don’t want to fucking hear it anymore. If this offends you and you love jebus unfollow or block. Unless and until I see templars and crusaders talking about total jewish death down to the last infant 6% or more jooish, AND THEN DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, we ain’t getting anywhere with this. The way forward is the old gods and a warrior cult. ---- There is no more record. The argument is the slippery slope. 10 years ago it was gay marriage now we have Texas judges taking autistic boys away from dads so moms can cut their dicks off and a tranny lobby whose influenced policy in TX, AR, Dakotas, and elsewhere in supposedly conservative states. I have teachers in rural areas of the country telling me 80% of their kids are LGBTQ with straight kids getting bullied while It recruiters want to know if middle age male candidates are gay or trans for the woke points while and mega media corps are actively openly pushing degenerate content. YOUR LIBERTARIAN ATTITUDE ENABLED ALL OF THE REST. Which is why other cultures superior at survival roofed or bogged the faggots to remove them from the gene pool. You are my enemy more than fags are because you will capitulate and give it all away and fight those of us like me who want it stopped. Pussy. Coward. Piece of shit human being. ---- BlackRock and Vanguard do not buy any homes, nor have they. I’m not doing round 76 of this and have an exceptionally low tolerance for superstition and bullshit. You have tools at your disposal to verify these claims and every property sale record is public. Believe what you want obviously I’m not going to argue with you. ---- Let me just say this as a guy whose been fat 2-3 times in his life. I’m 6’3 and 195 now and was 240 once for about a year, 280 for a few months, and 220-40 for over a year, and at a healthier weight otherwise. I can get down to 175 but that’s it so 175-195 is a fine range to be in. Part of this is shit nutrition. Controlling the diet is key but I didn’t know corn oil was bad or that the shit foods didn’t have any nutrition in them until recently. If you pick up a dozen shit eggs there is no vitamins in them. Pay $3 a dozen get enough D and E from 2 a day. Same with organic produce and higher grades of meat. I simply didn’t know and I doubt others do either. Once you get off the factory farm shit and manufactured food and cook yourself instead of buying takeout, even staying moderately active you will lose weight. I can’t fault the sheeple entirely for the fact the trough is full of poison and shit. ---- This is an example of why I’ve given up on the far right. Nazi is a brand. Hitler is a historical pariah. Most evil man alive… killed the jews… did the war. Everyone all over thinks both are evil. NOT THE IDEAS THOUGH. Plenty of fascist and national socialist policies all over the place. BUT CALLED DIFFERENT THINGS. There is more in common between the so called ‘jewish communist’ Putin’s and Hitler’s policies in the 1930’s and between the Azov brigades and the marxist terror squads of ANTIFA in the early 1900’s throughout Europe, than versa vice. And yet you focus on the brand not the ideas and the policies and the realities. Zionist puppet state USA staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014/15. GAE turned it into a terror state raising an army of jewish backed and inspired terror soldiers, bioweapon research, and likely nuke chicanery at the old soviet plants there. Lindsey Graham and McCain and Obama had their filthy little paws all over it. You post a picture like that to inspire visuals of some vicious armored squad of the red army rolling ramshot over nice pretty peasant people. Whats’s actually happening is that a terrorist organization that has been violently attacking ethnic Russians in the East and SE for the better part of a decade is getting crushed. Putin isn’t carpet bombing the place he’s demilitarizing it to remove a threat on his border and it’s an entirely reasonable thing to do. Are civs going to die? Yep. Are the White? Yep. But the Azov brigade is using them as shields. And where were you crying about the 14k victims of their terror in the SE over the past 8 years? I don’t claim to be an expert here on any of this but I don’t see how Putin is in the wrong here on any of it. It’s the equivalent of Hitler rescuing Danzig from the jewish commies running Poland at the time. ---- Good. The branding sucks. Hitler and nazi doesn’t sell but the ideas do. Rebrand and move on. Or don’t and keep pissing into the wind. Maybe Putin is showing you all the way. Are you listening? Tract 1: Hitler did nothing wrong, the jews must die, heil hitler! Tract 2: As the jewish victims of nazism are always keen to remind us, the risk of ethnic violence against groups always risks crimes against humanity and genocide, WHICH IS WHY IT IS SO DISTURBING TO HEAR SO MANY JEWISH VICTIMS OF NAZISM RELISH THE PROSPECT OF WHITES BEING ETHNICALLY CLEANSED. Our lives matter and we have our own culture we want respected. Does tract 1 get us anywhere? Would tract 2 put that vampire kike fuck Greenblat on the defensive? Putin attacking his enemies as the big bad nazi put them off kilter. Just some food for thought. ---- I live in Texas. I own lots of things. I’m happy, Abbott’s actions have improved my life in Texas. He’s not perfect. I would hands down vote to give him a third term rather than risk Francis O’Roark (fury/Beto), who is the alternative. ---- Motherfucker first of all the only roles jews serve in the armed forces is the officer corps because you all eschew hard work. Second of all you’re a jew and eachew hard work. Third of all get your fucking parasitical ‘judeo-‘ off the dumfuck christian host before we gota burn you off like an embedded tick. Finally we’d love to but your fellow kikes took over everything and demanded all the competent White men who work hard be fired for not bowing down to niggers or wearing a dress to work or something. In conclusion, KYS before I come oven you. ---- The reason the GOP is restricting abortion now is that they have sterilized or faggotized enough Whites that more blacks and browm babies helps the White genocide. I think abortion is evil and a sin. I also think there should be a planned parenthood on every getto street corner. ---- Dodging taxes and getting your peoples on the dole is patriotic to the future ethnostate. NEVER FORGET THAT ---- How fucking tired do you have to be to promise balanced budgets and term limits, neither of which will ever be seriously debated because it’s not in the interest of you dark triad corrupt lying scum running this debauched empire into the ground. Fuck your work ethic I did that for 15 years while globohomo companies replaced me with every incompetent diversity hire, Indian shit skin H1B visa scab, and overseas slave laborer they could until I had enough and walked out during a CRT blood libel humiliation ritual they demanded I subject myself to. To say nothing of the cap Dubya removed OT for IT workers so the few Whites that remained could be exploited 24/7. Fuck this country. Fuck the masters. I hope Putin and Xi wreck this place economically so that in the chaos we can hunt all you fuckers down and have some sweet sweet revenge. P.S. DEATH TO ISRAEL ---- No need to return to this debate. I am not an American. My nation was conquered and I am a powerless dissident in an occupied land. The decision making and capital to finance the GAE aggression comes from the Northeast money power corridor running from Virginia north to Boston which I consider to be enemy territory. I do not consider them my kin or care at all what happens to them. My community is a county of 60k Whites who grow crops and raise animals and support the town that enables it as are the surrounding counties. We want no conflict and offer no aggression but will defend ourselves quite competently of attacked. ---- The good is not the enemy of perfection. Nothing is perfect or all good. But in all things I find myself evaluating something’s value compared to the alternative. Are normal White people better off with Vanguard than without? Yes without a doubt. Does that mean Vanguard is all good? No they are starting to dabble in proxy vote politics. Not the end of the world but not good. Can that be fixed and combatted without destroying a means to create, preserve, and grow wealth for the common man? Yes absolutely. Is Gov Abbott or Desantis the ideal leader? No. They both suck off jews but they both govern states housing 50M of us that are entirely livable and great places to be compared to the alternative. The democrat alternatives is a gun grabbing furry silver spooner lunatic who pretends to be hispanic and a nigger drug addict faggot under FBI investigation after running a FL town into the ground. If you have something reasonably good… fix it, repair it, make it better… don’t throw it away for something that is worse. And if you do you deserve what you get. If you want to go after Banksters start with Goldman Sachs, Blackstone (not black rock), and Deutsche bank or and the house stealing Wells Fargo did (I think it was from Wachovia holdovers and fixed now but maybe not). If you want to go after shitty governors start with Wolfe in PA, Newson in California, Brown in OR, WA, HI, etc. Attack the worst and repair the best. ---- BTW my sweetheart K (whose decided my dodge ram pickup is her preferred vehicle and doing a fine job driving it I might add) is prob more radicalized than I am at this point. I’m still the hopeless dreamer thinking things might not be so bad and she’s doing inventory of the supplies and wondering why the green house isn’t built yet. She looks at the headlines and just keeps accelerating her projected timeline of the end. We make a good team NGL. ---- Until Putin preempted their likely timeline with Ukraine the commodity super cycle was looking to have peaked. I bet on it (lost a lot) as did numerous others and Hedgeye, a publication that measures and predicts inflation extremely well, did as well. We should be at $80 a barrel oil right now and declining grain commodity prices like $575 corn and $650 wheat (impacts livestock too as it is what they eat). Instead this dynamic is likely to cause food shortages as transport costs to the global supply chain increase dramatically causing shortages here and there. Food riots are already starting in the mid east and Indonesia. Farmers here aren’t growing because input costs exceed what they can likely sell their harvest for. Beef prices have come down because herds are being culled before the cost to keep said cattle alive make it prohibitively expensive to maintain said numbers. Any idiot can see that if this spirals we get famine and food riots causing more unrest causing more military intervention causing more demand for food and fuel thus accelerating the cycle of doom over at least 1-3 years. Now in the US if consumer demand halts things like leisure and restaurants and all those fancy shops go out of business and besides at $15 an hour the cost to travel 20 miles to your job at $8 a gallon gas is a wash out… not that anyone can afford $30 for a happy meal at that point anyway. So now we have mass unemployment too. I like to imagine some ghoulish Rothchild lizard fucks salivating as they cull their human herd with a ten year cycle of pestilence, war, famine, and turmoil and currently I would not bet against them. If Putin saw all this coming and has acted to disrupt their timeline he may very well end up with the Eastern century as a commodity backed won supports a middle eastern, asian, and russian economy while the West (US, Canada, UK, Australia, Western Europe) simply implodes into poverty and chaos. At present I would bet on this outcome. The men who see and understand and could stop it have no influence or power and the NPCs have been weaponized against us. An ethical stable leader could turn things around for the west, stop acting evil abroad, become honest brokers, and work to make our way of life ‘sustainable’ (I hate that word but it’s the correct one) but I don’t see that happening as the dark triad types have an iron lock on power and none of the old fucks give a shit about the world they are leaving to their kids. BTW I am 100% unemployable and would be destroyed for delivering an earnest honest assessment of where things stand and how to fix them anywhere in Western civilization. So yes this all goes tits up. ---- King Of All Nads: jews need to police their own and fix their behavior. They have to stop hurting their host nations, and the first step to becoming better people is for them to accept their culpability in that suffering. Once they accept that, they can redeem themselves to those they have sinned against. JCSlater: They are genetically unable to. Might as well ask a nigger to act civilized or a horse to do math. ---- Just a final not so subtle reminder jews launched yet the third world war and after the jewjab into 5 billion veins will put all their other horrors and genocides and crimes against humanity to utter shame with 6 billion dead. ---- No It’s not. Vanguard is a privately held corporation run as a non profit whose earnings go back to their shareholders, the investors of the mutual funds. This is the founder of Vanguard and who pioneered the mutual fund investment strategy used by Vanguard and copied by firms like Blackrock, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, and others. He was a goyim helping goyims. oh for fuck sake. You know I knew him. I worked for him. The man was a saint. Wall Street in the 70’s was a den of pit vipers constantly raping and pillaging people who saved for retirement combined with the pension funds being raided at every company leaving normal people broke and no savings for retirement. He invents a non load mutual fund to reduce risk and cut profit out of the equation so the common man could save for retirement. Then along comes the tax deferred investment vehicles like 401k and IRAs and voila a few hundred billion stashed away in 1980 is now 20-25 trillion owned mostly by normies with retirement funds. But by all means keep commenting on shit you know nothing about. Social security will be there at age 67.5 just as soon as you take your mandatory shot. ---- Top 6 most vile banking firms in no particular order: Goldman Sachs Cantor Fitzgerald Deutsche Bank Citigroup HSBC Blackstone (stone not rock: private equity who actually does own most of the institutionally owned houses) ---- The far right has none of the following: 1. Competent and/or coherent leadership 2. An intelligible ideology 3. Curb appeal 4. Branding 5. Strategy It is literally an ineffective defunct suicidal malcontent club. Superior ideas/race my ass. Fucking prove it. ---- I aim to do the crucifying. Every fucking pederast priest and hypocritical bible thumping immoral hag worshiping the joos and trafficking spicks into TX.. you goin get that cross you fucking long for. Tolerating idiots is how we got to the state we are into now. No they have to die and I’m glad the gene pool will be rid of them. Listen the fuck up normies. I hate you. I loathe you. I view you with disgust and contempt like privileged idiots who are too stupid to know what you had and couldn’t be bothered to save it. You deserve to lose. I don’t care about you, I don’t share your contrived ‘Judeo-christian’ values, or your feigned compassion you use for internet points on fakebook and twatter. I will laugh when you suffer as I long for the bad old days of real struggle and real risk and I’ll BE FUCKING ALIVE FOR IT ALL. And you’ll be dead as you deserve to be. ---- I am liberated from all confines of the social contract with the state. White genocide as govt policy invalidates every fucking letter of it. Old rules now apply. The dark days, the all or nothing days… they a comin’ back baby! ---- I finally get somewhere in life and these cocksucking jews start WW3 and proceed with global depopulation through the fourth turning and an engineered famine. After the chaos there will be no synagogues left ---- I want total idiot death. I have nothing but spite and vitriol for the dumbfuck normie. When the SHTF and times get tough I’ll view you as a meat shield at best or loot you for whatever I can before discarding you at worst. Not everyone will make it and you won’t. ---- Problem? You dumbfuck, I’m for total nigger death and hunting down and exterminating the jews to the last child with more than 6.4% in their blood. ---- Asha Logos: Ukraine was the epicenter of the attempted genocide of White Christians by Jewish bolsheviks - the purposefully orchestrated starvation, funded by Schiff and Rothschild, that claimed tens of millions of innocent lives. And yet *none* of those in positions of power or influence in Ukraine mention the Holodomor, and instead consider the ‘holocaust’ to be their defining tragedy. Ask yourself why this is.. ---- I regard tucker as a gatekeeper. His use is in soft selling and resolving the ‘toughies’ and doing so in such as way as to cement in the mind of normies who think they are legit and based, the minimum necessary govt defense. We saw this when he nuked Sydney Powell’s claims that CIA directly played a role in 2020 election theft, which they most certainly did. Let’s examine the propaganda techniques Tucker uses here, which is primarily to speak facetiously about that which is undeniably true and you get three and a half minutes of that to start. 0:00-3:30 - Create impression US funding bioweapons labs is preposterously and only crazies would claim it. He does this facetiously but it reinforces that message and gaslights normies with the truth that he ridicules. 3:30 - Deep state stooge Senator Rubio asks a softball about bioweapons to Nulan in an open hearing he expects an easy no answer to and instead gets govt double speak that everyone understands is deflection. 4:30 - Ukraine has biological research facilities 6:30 - Rubio tries to paper it over with a leading question that reveals their game… a bio attack they blame on Russia and claim Russia will lie and blame us. 8:30 - Russia def ministry makes a simple true claim that US govt funded bio research facilities Well shit now the cat is out of the bag… we demonized anyone who'd suggest it though as crazies and threw Nulan and Rubio under the bus as scape goats as the incompetent govt stoogies who let it slip. 9:30 - Our own govt bragged about the fucking biolabs then removed info about them from online not that it matters because its all archived. Sigh. Oh look Senator Dick Durbin brags about the fucking places in 2014. There is your third scape goat and fall guy. 10:30 - After 10 mins of buildup now we have the ‘truth’. The propaganda resolution they want you to accept. These are just defensive see. It’s not offensive! 11:30 - Scape goat 4 Pentagon spokesperson Kirby whose uncomfortable body language gives more away… when he makes a totally unconvincing claim we aren’t funding bio weapons labs in Ukraine, standing sideways. 12:15 - “we are not NOT developing bio weapons in the Ukraine” (shit eating smirk) “it is not happening” 14:30 - Chicoms make statement calling for objective WMD inspectors to see what we were up to. Sidebar… yes Saddam you will be vindicated brother! 15:15 - Now the money quote… it’s not about the bio weapons… I mean defense… it’s about being lied to. The issue is rephrased to lying govt officials (who accidentally outed the truth (Nulan, Rubio, Durban, Kirk)) while demonizing China and Russia as liars (you just proved they aren’t) and them gives the resolution… be Americans and trust the govt. Sickening. Transparent. Fuck Tucker. ---- Here is how I think the Ukraine/Russia shit plays out. I think the talks today failed to move the needle in any meaningful way obviously but the negotiation is this: Russia: Crimea is ours and two new states get created we don’t care what you do with the rest. GAE: We’ll do bioterrorism and blame you with media because you took our jewish terror state away. Russia has the goods to prove it but it may not matter to domestic US citizens. I think Russia has likely shared intel about our bad deeds with our ‘allies’ like India, Saudi Arabia, and even China. What they are doing is putting the squeeze on. US and Europe still thinks Russia eats the sanctions and goes back to selling them their dirty exports. I don’t. I think Russia will make us pay economically and when that happens shit will hit the fan. But that comes later in the month. So today CPI print (inflation) and Ukraine worries fucks up the market likely into tomorrow. Then I think they run a narrative on it all working out over the weekend and get two days of big up M-T. They will shake out shorts and exit their longs before the Wed fed meeting where they raise rates half a percent. Also on Wed is the Russian bond default. It gets dark from there. Once western financial firms realize Russia will strike back economically it’s game over and this house of cards has a big big fall. You will see actual genuine panic as the masters of the universe are rendered helpless and lash out flailing. When this occurs keep your head down… will be like a drunken step dad coming hole to beat on the wife and kids. ---- Guess Fink at Blackrock isn’t the puppet master after all. Surely someone who ‘pwns all muh companies’ wouldn’t throw money away on Russia if he was in the know would he? BlackRock founder and CEO Larry Fink has never shied away from an opportunity to burnish his reputation with some ESG virtue-signaling, which is what makes this latest news so much more surprising. As it happens, BlackRock's "Emerging Frontiers" fund has just booked its biggest loss yet after doubling down on Russian assets last month, according to Bloomberg. That's right, the emerging markets hedge fund run by the world's largest asset manager (and greatest virtue signaler) has taken a shellacking after its bet with Russia, booking a loss equivalent to 10% of its total AUM. After closing its Russian positions last month (and saving itself from yet more losses), the EM Frontiers fund is now down 7% for the year. The fund was managing some $960 million as of the end of January, and had invested 9% of its money in Russian assets at the peak, making Russia its largest national exposure. *BLACKROCK HEDGE FUND UPPED ITS RUSSIA BET, SUFFERED RECORD LOSS Wait, the ESG preacher blew up on Russia longs? — zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 9, 2022 ---- My whole life boomers use to damn the Germans asking ‘but why didn’t they do something?’ Against Hitler. And now here we are a global terror empire and the same fucking boomers damn me if I even speak up about it let alone ‘do something’. You know what… I did do something… I went galt and detached from their evil satanic system. And go ahead and damn me for that too. Go get the H1B visa street shitters to pay your medicare bills because IDGAF. ---- Hey brain trust, think critically about what GAE would want with the soviet era reactors in Ukraine… what can get created and extracted from there with plausible deniability that could not from Western power-plants… isotopes, plutonium THAT HAS RUSSIAN SIGNATURES, etc. ---- Guys Understand I have the solar install this week and working to get kennel up and dog pool and garden and green house and run water pipes and make sure we have enough supplies. K will be out shopping all week while I juggle market and my homestead work. Ideally we go see my dad next week and then pick up the puppies on the way back. My other priority is getting more gold and paper cash. If there are trades I see to make money I will make them. My friends are relying on me to keep tabs on whats going on and help them so I do that and as an artifact I share with all of you… But this is no longer a 16 hour a day obsession. It was a tool to get me to where I am and a source of future revenue generation. If you want to trade this and you are inexperienced you are simply gambling. Nothing wrong with that but don’t tell yourself I have a magic crystal ball. These are uncharted waters. I’ll tell you what I could think but I’m not a mind reader to heads of state. ---- He was quite well loved by his people and the lands he freed from jewish oppression until the triumvirate of kikes crushed White civilization and began a 75 year campaign of zionist oppression and tyranny. As you clearly love the taste of jewish ass, go fuck yourself slave. At least my Führer died free. You won’t. ---- [On global vaccine passport plans] This is worth killing anyone and everyone to stop. ---- Lucid Hurricane: I was this little White kid. Everyday at public school in the south was just like this. I knew White kids who never set foot in the bathrooms or locker rooms for 8 years straight. In the mid 70's when "bussing" started, that was truly the end. The school boards bussed black kids from the hood from hours away so they could go to the 'white school' for 'better opportunities' Well you know what opportunity most of them cared about? the opportunity to constantly brutalize little White kids like me. I carried a knife everyday, almost took a .32 with me once. I didnt hate niggers until I started going to public school. They taught me to hate them. UPDATE: As for the video it happened in S.C. last week and the family of the White girl is pressing charges. ---- You’d engender more sympathy walking around with advanced leprosy and your cut off cock in your hand than to openly declare yourself a White Nationalist. It’s a guaranteed way to be bankrupted, killed, socially ostracized, and cut off from friends and family. You will be genocided and you will he quiet about it is what society demands. Write me off as a jew if you want I’ll telling you you are right but it doesn’t matter because of the state of the world and there must be other ways to get closer to what you want than what you are doing. But what do I know I’m just a jew ---- My life has gotten infinitely better since I learned the truth about your vicious tribe. RUN PARASITE THIS TIME THE OVENS ARE FOR REAL. ---- I just want you to understand that young men (basically from puberty into late 20’s) should be naturally horney fuck machines who can barely be held back. That is normal and natural. This abstinence leads to unhealthy repression that turns to degenerate fringe porn and masturbation, hatred of the object they are being denied (women), and likely homosexuality to get a release of their urges. I see nothing but problems here. These aren’t young men of the cloth with self control and a mission to serve god, that’s just Torba’s party line. ---- Heres whats going on. The gay pedophiles who like lower taxes have staged a hostile takeover of the Republican party and are now rabidly flailing against against anyone opposed to buttstuff out of an anxious fear of being roofed. The literal agenda of the ‘conservative’ party is to conserve sodomy. I can’t even make this shit up… this is literally and actually what is occurring. ---- Theres been an uptick in people complaining they have to search through all my hate to get my good market shit and asking me to stop. No you don’t understand, if I wanted to make you money I’d charge you. My info is free for those who hate as I do. Don’t like it call T Row Price IDGAF ---- Shut up jew. The death camp pics were soviet propoganda of Ike’s prisoner of war camps where he murdered millions and pictures of the starvation the jews caused in Russia called the holodomor. Hitler was a saint loved by his own people. Patton was a patriot but stupid and only realized the truth too late, so was killed for it. Correct. Nuremberg trials used coerced confessions from crushing testicles and broken jaws and was a complete travesty of justice. That why Goebbels shot himself and his whole family to prevent them being tortured by the cruel jews and their useful idiot goyim like you. ---- according to crazydaysandnights dot com Speilberg promised him 100M on something to play like he had covid early on. Thats what did boomers in when Hanks got the coof. Apparently Spielberg screwed Hanks over and never did the production deal and Hanks threatened to get talkative, dropped the rumor about SS pimping out his mud daughter, then they followed that up with Hanks and the shoe rumor (he tweets pics of abandoned kids shoes) alleging he was a pedo. If they are marching him out again they want to assure boomers the country is fine, thus it isn’t and we’re all about to die. Also FYI the creator of simpsons was on Epstein’s island so do the math on how Hanks fits in… bunch of satanic pedophile child rapists. Fuck. ---- no it’s really not. I think I’m entirely on point here. If you go back to how the pill (jewish invention) and abortion (Roe vs Wade case on the Burger court (nominated by the sweedish jew Ike)) were sold it was at the height of women’s empowerment by taking back control of female sexuality from the male husbands. Women were tricked into thinking they could change their hormonal chemical profiles to avoid pregnancy and then have babies destroyed in their womb if they were inconvenient. Combined this nearly halved the White birthrate. Full stop. Reread that. The advent of technology and dating apps has marketed sex as an experience and weekend recreation activity as opposed to a way to form a connection with a man that they love in the confines of a marriage for the purpose of creating life. As a result you get hypergamy (all women vying for the top tier of men and always looking for better options regardless of what they have) with a supply of men far in excess beyond anything their social circle would otherwise support. Somewhere in that mix you had porn being legalized in the 1980’s and pubic hair being removed as well. You can laugh but that cuts down on pheromone and hormone retention in that area and deprives the neural receptors of the brain with responses about satisfactorily received lovemaking. I have been with a number of women and am in no way a prude. You could accurately accuse me of being a degenerate for much of my life. But I can also adamantly defend this simple position. The absolutely best most intense sex is with a woman you love, who is 1. Not on the pill, 2. Has not turned her womb into a saw movie, 3. Does not have 40 men harassing her on a tinder app, 4. Has some degree of pubic hair at least 12 hours after the last shower if not longer, and 5. Where you are not worried at all about the prospect of a baby being born. Added to the mix is with a man who hasn’t looked at porn or masturbated in months if not years. I swear to you it is the most intense, worthwhile, bond-forming sexual experience you’ll ever have. Quite simply, return to tradition. White babies will follow. ---- We went from make America great again, lock her up, memetic warfare and the dawn of a new age to ‘Fuck Joe Biden’, ‘the degenerate gay American empire must be destroyed’, ‘you elites are a bunch of blackmailed baby murdering scum who just genocided 2.5 million of us with your deliberately released plague, death shot, and insane covid tyranny for 2+ years’, and ‘lets all go to hell together’ inside of 5 years. This genie ain’t ever going back into the bottle. Shit’s broken and not getting fixed. ---- The three most effective political slogans I have seen so far, with Fuck Joe Biden being a distant fourth runner up is: White lives matter Press [esc] to go back My politics are whatever ends this. BLANKET THE FUCKING WORLD IN THIS PROPAGANDA and I swear you will see the overton window shift dramatically in real time. ---- Neil Kumar: The best way to celebrate “MLK day” is to ignore it and celebrate Robert E. Lee Day this Wednesday, January 19th. Remember the General’s famous remark to Texas Governor Stockdale: “Governor, if I had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right hand.” ---- Never forget we are just disposable profit consumers to the illegitimate jews who rule us. To be murdered and mistreated and left for dead. ---- I want fucking heads on platters over this. I want mass trials and mass executions. ---- Write Wringer: “We need to get back to MLK’s message, to judge people based on their character and not the color of their skin, to see ourselves and each other as individuals!” You still don’t get it. MLK was a communist puppet whose goal was to gas light empathetic White people and only White people into thinking we were judging others based on pigmentation and not their character when they were judged by their character all along. MLK was a rapist, and black people were just as unpredictably and disproportionately violent then as they are today. It was meant to deracinate, atomize, isolate, and alienate White people to only see ourselves as mere individuals instead of a collective with interests, to think that taking our own side was “hate for others” and evil, and to make you powerless. It worked, so now that stage two is here and they’re wielding every race who never stopped seeing themselves as a collective against you on the basis of their hatred for your race, you flog yourself to prove how “not White” I mean “not racist” you are as an individual instead of defending yourself and the society your ancestors fought, bled, and died to give you on the basis of which you’re being attacked and your society torn down - the virtue of your race. There’s no going back to colorblindness of equal individuals, because it never existed except in White people’s brainwashed minds. Nobody else was expected to go along with it. Their goal was to break the power of the racial majority. They imported 100 million racial aliens into a 90% White country since they ended the 1924 immigration moratorium in 1965 to break your representation. They overturned segregation and passed civil rights laws to break your communities and displace you with White flight. They conditioned you to think your White ancestors were evil to break your minds from taking your own side. Every institution of power that just overthrew your country last year is against you and calls you the biggest threat to America while at the same time calls you the oppressor. You are in danger. ---- So many people use MLK day as an excuse to brave the chilly arctic winter weather of south central Texas and barbecue huge chunks of delicious meat overlooking the true purpose of the holiday: a break from work for somber reflection of all the White victims of nigger crime and of course identifying all such niggers in your local, mapping the home address for future use in (cough um) the expected troubles / political cover for vigilante justice. ---- Nuremberg was a jewish show trial with falsified evidence and coerced confessions from torture like crushed testicles and broken jaws. Nuremberg 2.0 would be the heads of Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J empaneled while Fauci and CDC jews collect up all us disinfo spreaders, take them to Nancy’s private DC torture chamber in the J6 wing, pump us full of soy, and then hang us in front of their capital rotunda temple. ---- Women lie about rape all the time. ALL THE FUCKING TIME. More than they honestly accuse it. Study after study has proven this. Psychologically women lie and usurp because they lack the strength to physically impose their will on men. There was absolutely nothing credible about the accusations against Kavanaugh. In fact they were readily disproven. It was a gross travesty of anything good that allowed that farce to happen in the public skeptical that it is. In fact that accuser had ties and family in the CIA and may well have been a an agency op to deny him a pick thinking they would get the SC to remove him. I and others thoroughly researched his accusers and every detail about their claims. I was in personal contact with Mr. Davis, the head attorney for the Senate judiciary committee under Grassley at the time. I passed on high quality proof they were full of shit. He knew what the score was. They decided to not pursue it and his disgust over that is one of the reasons he quit soon after. Anyone who thinks Kavanaugh was a rapist has judgement that is so skewed as to render their entire person questionable. ---- The last time Jews took control of a goyim country after staging a color revolution this happened. Take these rumors very seriously and take immediate measures to ensure you will eat and be able to defend your food supply. ---- Grandpa did 5 billion people really have themselves injected with the jewish poison of death? Why grandpa why would they do that? ---- I swear I have these moments where I think my dead mother is haunting me and grandma has to come snatch her spirit away. ---- Wingnats have a huge blindspot. They get into a blind rage fueled tizzy over anything remotely jewish and are seemingly always willing to chop their own foot off to minority annoy their jewish opponent. Omg money is jewish lets all be totally poor and never use it. Omg mutual funds are jewish (they aren’t a goy invented then) let’s be dependent on the jewish govt that wants us dead for retirement. Omg this governor whose one of the best of the 50 dod a photoshop at a wall and made a meaningless comment about gab therefore lets throw him overboard and get a democrat in that’ll show us! Get a grip. Superior race my ass. Not acting this stupidly you aren’t. ---- You obviously do not go with the nice security men here to take you to the concentration camp. My thinking is you man the fuck up and do what you can to level the odds for the next bloke on their list. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 ---- Nurenberg 2 would be the jewish heads of Pfizer and Moderna presiding over a kangaroo court trying vax misinfo pushers who had their testicles crushed and jaws broken to get forced confessions. ---- The Kulak (separatists who went to live nobly in the countryside with your haughty ideals) don’t have 5 Hollywood movies made about them a year because the evil fuckers who poisoned the well starved them all to where they ate their own children and now those same fuckers run this country and the world. Whose tactics win? ---- Sigh. The jews have a long history of exterminating populations they loath. If you think the Amish are safe go ask the Kulaks. You stop producing milk (taxes) on the capital farm you’ll quickly find yourself corralled into their kill pits. ---- No. It’s our world. They took it from us. We must take it back. ---- Tribalism + satanic willingness to do things good natured Whites are not. That is why they strive to prevent us organizing: they know the power of it. What I am saying is use all the White privilege and anti-white discrimination tactics against jews. ---- The WEF is a jewish supremacist organization full of loxism dedicated to asymmetrical warfare against goyim. Any and all retaliatory acts against them is warranted, justified, and to be lauded. ---- JEWISH PRIVILEGE. IT IS HIGH TIME WE TALK ABOUT THEIR UNEQUAL SHARE OF WEALTH, POWER, AND DECISION MAKING POWER IN THIS COUNTRY AND IT’S INSTITUTIONS. ---- The rothchild jew puppet zemmour takes support from Le Pen. They’ll never let Hitler get elected. Our tools are mob violence. There are no political solutions. “The latest opinion polls for the 2022 French Presidential election gives Macron (23%) a lead over his key opponents Marine Le Pen (14.5%), Eric Zemmour (15%), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (13%), and Valérie Pécresse (15%).” ---- I actually met this cuck in person shortly after he sided for Obamacare a decade ago. I was in person near Dr Jew Tranny Richard/Rachel Levine twice. I almost said something to him but was dissuaded by a sharp eyed US Marshall who gave me a ‘I understand but don’t kid’ look. Levine is far more nefarious having mollested numerous children in a psych facility it was allowed to run, killed 30k seniors in old folks homes in Pa deliberately, and was once watching kids in a playground near the neighborhood it’s abandoned jew wife and jew kids live in. I really fucking wish I did more than just encouraged him to move the fuck on and stop watching the kids play. Oh the good I coulda done both places… ---- JC Bale: What changed? Oh, ok, I’ll spell it out: The 50s high schools which had shooting ranges were White (see pic below) Today’s high schools are multiracial shitholes. No one trusts anyone in a multiracial shithole, for good reasons The “globalists” is a euphemism for jews. Yes, I know, other shabbos goyim are “globalists” too but globalism at its origin is a product of international jewry. Many understand these things at least instinctively, but are afraid to say them. If you’re afraid to say it, if you feel pressured to censor yourself and you find yourself inventing half-assed rationalizations for why you’re doing it, are you really living in the greatest country in the world? Do you really have “free speech”? ---- Who the hell wants unity with Christians these days? Their pope promotes the mark of the beast and calls himself the devil, the churches of all stripes hang the degenerate rainbow flag, host sexual abuse of countless kids, and they hate White men and love human trafficking. I don’t want unity with that I want to destroy it. ---- I tell you it’s the horrendous behavior of young women who are priced out of the market for 80% of men, all hopped up on birth control which makes them more aggressive and they seek out getting railed by the 10% of alphas only. Many lower status young men with no futures to look forward to aren’t eager to pursue a fatty or a harpy. I had given up the pursuit myself for a few years. If you run into a nice girl who isn’t on the pill with a low body count chances are she’ll be sweet and you’ll easily form a connection…. Easily… and desire for copulation resumes. Stop with the waxing too. Hair captures pheromones and we respond to the sex pheromones trapped there. A little musk gets the juices flowing big time. If you can’t hold your spunk get a diaphragm or time the cycles or both but STAY OFF THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL. ---- Look what happened in the 60’s? Birth control pill. And then the 70’s with abortion and then 80’s with waxing and then the late 90’s into this century with dating apps. Put all that shit away, get off the pill, grow the bush, have kids don’t abort em, and smash the fucking phones. Let me tighten this up: Put all that electronic shit away, get off the pill, grow the bush, smash the phones, meet real people, have kids don’t abort em, and live, laugh, love! ---- Marcus A: The Catholic church created the jewish banksters. After the Black Death, the Catholic church lifted the ban on usury to appease the merchants as their primary cash cows, the peasantry, were decimated. The church never cared that they have unprecedently empowered the jews as long as their cut was still coming in. The more you read and are a honest person, the more you'll see the world as I do. ---- whats wrong the sterile missionary sex position not breeding the next generation of Christians to replenish your aging ranks? You have a ceremony of cannibalism where you consume your savior’s blood and body. The pagans just remind women to swallow instead of spit for their strength. Maybe a bit crass but it’s natural. Or don’t Christians have oral sex? And what does any of that have to do with jews blackmailing christian pigs who rape children during satanic sacrifices? ---- Notice the jew-dog christcucks have more hatred for White pagans that don’t want part of their degenerate faggot child sex abuse temples flying the rainbow flag than they do for jews, blacks, and other actual threats to the White race. A pagan priest never tried to fuck me like a Catholic one did. My GF wasn’t abused in a pagan temple like she was in church. Make no mistake the Cathloic church is knee deep in the covid scam and the mark of the beast covid passports with their secret societies and bought off politicians like Biden, Pelosi, Knights of Malta Chief Justice Roberts, Christian Cultist ACB, closeted queer Gorsuch, etc. We have to kneecap this jew cult before we can ever hope to be free as Whites. ---- Shade: Except Pagans are aware of your jewish faggotry now, and are prepared for it. Instead of anti-White forced conversions, and Witch burning you sandy cunts will get what you deserve for serving the jews so well for this long. Your religion is dying in the White population, people are naming the jew and seeing the destruction your death cult has had on the White race. The average age of christian in America is late 50's early 60's. ---- We basically have tech and media companies filtering state media propaganda on every issue including compulsory coerced medical experimentation with gene therapy that has been injected into half the humans on the planet. That the rest of humanity sees no issue with this leaves me shaken What if the puppet masters who so aggressively want this substance into as many humans as possible have malevolent intent? ---- DiggingDeeper: Maxwell GUILTY on 5 out of 6 counts, but they are SEALING ALL INFORMATION ON EPSTEIN'S NETWORK. COVER UP OPERATION. JC: Reminder FBI seized photos, videos, and evidence on over 20k blackmailed ‘people’ and not a single fucking one went down. Who uses that info now and to what end? ---- The media is easy to control if you can blackmail the chain of command all composed of deviants. ---- Your faith is dying and is inherently corrupt as a slave state the jews tricked Whites into. I do not have a semitic disease of the mind or soul and am in epic health for a 40 year old. I use to consider myself an agnostic but the more time I spend on gab listening to the lamentations of the Christians the more resolved I am to rear a large family full of pagan warriors to hasten the day my tribe crushes your tribe. ---- When you no longer fear death you are free to do anything. ---- I’m going to get busy making 4-10 White babies. Not one of them will ever get near a degenerate freak like this. They will all be educated by us and will learn at a very early age that their politics are whatever ends this and these demonic freaks. ---- If we were not superior, the jews wouldn't call it white supremacy ---- DeplorableGreg: This needs to be stated openly: The government of the United States of America is held by a hostile foreign power and is utilizing every available resource to destroy the People whose ancestors created this nation. They already rule the American People as subjects with no voice, under an occupational force. Their goal is your death. They want you dead. They're replacing you with different peoples who will be easier to exert direct control over. They want you DEAD. Whining about "It's not fair" and "But what about Justice" is not going to change the fact that their goal is your total racial death. They want you and everyone who looks like you dead. These things aren't "interesting factoids"; they're troop movements. ---- King Of All Nads: If the jews are terrified, they can make it all better by saying "We're sorry, you're right. We shouldn't be pressing for your racial replacement and the destruction of your values and traditions." But there's no hubris like semitic hubris, so this will never happen. ---- And I’ve already lost patience with you, you cultist murdering tyrannical freaks. You can not make a statement that millions would be dead while you smile with those cruel eyes as you withhold proven treatment from your ideological foes that your ilk inflicted us with deliberately in the first place. We know you over-count the dead. Italy admitted it, everyones seen the stories of grandpa cancer at age 94 dead from covid to say nothing of the head traumas and drug ODs. We know you hide stats on more people dying this year than last despite the vaccine. We know you won’t release the stats on how many actual deaths there were last year or how many supposed deaths from covid are vaxed vs unvaxed this year. We know you hide side effects which are deadly and life altering and call those deaths deaths from covid. You’re lying. We know you’re lying. And yet you lie anyway. That makes you evil. You’re fed up? We're fucking fed up. And well armed and at the rate you fuckers keep going killing kids (1/95 children has a ruined heart that’s 200k minimum vs what 300 dead from covid) supposedly you are going to have a great many very angry parents looking for their pound of flesh. You have blood on your hands. You are violating our rights. You are abusing your fellow citizens. You are destroying our body autonomy. You are coercing medical experimentation and cruelly abandoning the victims of your horror show with no recourse. The heinous shit you evil fuckers do. HOW DARE YOU YOU MISERABLE CUNT. YOURE FUCKING FED UP? Your ilk has already killed two people in my family and injured two others seriously and rendered infertile a third. Lady I don’t give a shit about all that nice shit and rules and due process anymore. You fuckers are messing with carnal fucking forces of family and tribe and acting all haughty like all of this is entirely within your rights to do. You don’t understand our rage and our outrage and our determined desire for fucking vengeance. BUT YOU FUCKING WILL! Now shut your lying arrogant stinking shitlib mouth and never dare to behave so demonically again you immoral slag heap of a demonic cunt. ---- NEW - Three professional football players died of heart attacks in the last 5 days. - Croatian Marin Cacic, 23 years old. - Algerian Soufiane Lokar, 30 years old. - Omani Makhlid Al Raqadi, 29 years old. ---- Never ever ever let them forget what they did to the children. Speak boldly of their crimes and morally repudiate them at every and any turn with the wrathful condemnation of a pure and holy medieval priest about to rout a den of vampires ---- We’re entering a new dark ages. Your children will not all survive. They must be taught to defend and protect themselves. They must be warrior poets. They must have skills and morals. They must have faith in the old gods and stick to their family and kin. And they will not all survive. Deus Vult! ---- KublaiKhanAcademy: Pooling of resources for the brood is the evolved cognitive bias of women in a society that protects them from a state of Nature. Add the computational efficiency bias of menstruation and indeed, access to too much in the way of resources does fuck up the female mind more than the male. By rewarding feminine traits IN their male children, women have helped ruin society. In the name of the children. FWIW, religious behavior seems to be male in nature and origin, whereas women will neglect spiritual concerns for hard assets to bring up the brood. Yes, organized religion becomes hierarchical and men do take it over, but it starts with mostly monastic and solitary men. Those people are mostly thrown out now by the economy. ---- All forms of currency has value because we say it does. Secondly is who controls the supply and it’s authenticity? Form of money 1: hard currency. It can be counter-fitted and printed and distributed to the people the banksters decide to. Currency can be rendered illegal or retired from use or have it’s value inflated away. Form of money 2: digital transactions. They can be hacked and controlled by bank risk managers, federal authorities, etc. You rely on their servers being secure and accurate (and as a former software engineer designing such systems I can assure you they are second only to control systems for serious things like aircrafts and nuke reactors). You rely on the feds not taking it or banks seize it or banks going under from bad biz decisions, etc. Form of money 3: crypto currency. The people who control the algorithms have a built in methods to ‘inflate’ it’s value relative to the inflation rate of money making it attractive as an investment. As to the rest the blockchain secures against fraud and theft from the govt, banks, hackers, etc. Simply put the creators of crypto found a way to eliminate the vast majority of transaction fraud and disempowered govts and banksters and empowered users of it. Can the NSA hack it? Can govts shut it down? Would an EMP wreck it? Likely. Chose your risk profile carefully. ---- “Col (ret) Dough McGregor surprised me on Tucker Carlson when he said that college/urban soliders recurited during the bad economy for Desert Storm were so much better than us usual hicks and bumpkins because they'd get things done without much instruction.” That was 30 years ago and no doubt true. But largely late stage White gen X soldiers and we still had a mission people believed in or could be suckered to believe in thus the ideology of patriotism held it together and those that wanted more found adequate employment with merc outfits and corp security. “Last thing anyone has ever wanted in the miliatry is freelancing and there's nothing all that difficult about the "one size fits all" military. If you think there is, I don't know how you could get through college.” Correct THEN. I don’t know about now. I went for two stem degrees at the turn of the century in a podunk state school and they still tried to oust me twice for bitching about the Chinese communist influence there (stories for another day). The stories I hear today from my Gen X copatriots with college age kids is insane. Boys bounced out for regret rape bullshit, girls for false racism charges, etc. Now college forces adherence to the woke state religion or you don’t make it. “I like McGreogr's stance generally but this was weird. The military today is trying to appeal to urbanites as large popualtion centers but also as a political gendarmie.” Not complicated at all they all think the right way, are faithful to the state religion and by definition loath rural Whitey, who they will no doubt be turned against soon enough. “That these girlies "with two moms" would make better soldiers wouldn't go much farther than loyalty to some crank politics, like defeating the Taliban via fighitng for woman's rights. So? When a diversity hire POC wrecks a billion dollar navy boat they just oust the White commander who had his hands tied demanding performance and problem solved. Yes this all ends horribly. My advice is to view any military, esp non Whites as the biggest threat to you after Jews and Niggers. ---- You’re more likely to find good men in the NYPD than the armed forces at this point. Anyone still there is an order taker for globo homo and won’t hesitate to do to you what their masters, who threaten to destroy their lives if they don’t, order them to. A based city cop has a self regulated duty and relies on personal judgement daily. A warpig not at all. ---- “Our National Character? If it's become feminine, should we be asking what the hell happened to the men who let it get to this?” > easy. Our advantage of physical force was entirely neutralized. Yes we can stop it but it comes at the expense of our continued existence. Try to burn a witch as a warning to others and see if you are sitting jail or church the following Sunday. “This isn't male or female, this is virtue out the fucking window. Doing what is right simply because it is right doesn't exist anymore. Self control and discipline, not tolerating bad behavior, resolving problems according to integrity.” > Those are male attributes and require a moral apparatus to fall back on. Cringe all you want but it was mostly Rand’s objectivism for me much of my life. Christianity? Woke state religion? It’s everything and anything these days. “I'm sure there are many factors that played into this shit show we are now living through but to make it out to be all male or female is moronic, ignorant, out right stupid.” > It does seem like chicken and egg. BUT… Women can’t restore this only men can. So any solution that doesn’t disempower women is guaranteed to fail. “The attack on destroying natural law was aimed at family plain and simple. It isn't very feminine for men to fuck little kids in my opinion and we have loads of these fucking male bastards doing it. Everywhere, in every niche of society. It's been plastered across the news for years. So is this pedophile psychopathy of men to be blamed on the feminine?” > I blame the jew for this. “Stop pigeon holing problems, especially blaming it on women or men.” > No. Civilizations with empowered women do not last long as we are sure to see in the coming years. Unrestrained female sexuality will corrupt and erode anything constructed by man. “Greed, lust, laziness, gluttony, wrath, envy, pride, is the problem regardless if you have a penis or a vagina.” > True but it does not invalidate my previous point. “What I find most irritating about blaming women is you make men a victim. Go ahead do that and pay forward a bunch of male pussies that will uphold the damaged women you complain of.” > In many ways men are victims. You can absolutely damage men by depriving them of masculine role models and of their innate nature which is occurring to nearly half of Millennial men and more than half of younger generations. Between fatherless households and early education half of White boys are being raised without any masculinity at all and their innate nature chemically medicated with ritilan. Most importantly it is not men doing this to the boys it is females. I absolutely can blame them. Your assertions reek of Jewish feminism where the vagina can do no wrong. It sure as hell can. ---- Something very very important for the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Learn this phrase and remember it well. “I DO NOT HAVE A SMART PHONE’ ---- Here is a theory. The great reset is a Rothchild, Vatican, Black nobility, WEF based plot done in conjunction with the US based jesuits (democrats such as Pelosi and Biden) to ‘accelerate’ crash the economic system, and do a great reset that is digitally based. Corona gets them that with their green/covid pass social credit system to control who can go where and buy what and when. Dissidents could of course be removed and sent off to covid camp weather they are sick or not and its a perfect excuse to blame their ‘death’ on. The regular boosters ate also a way to control the population able to control sterility, to instigate heart attacks, cancers, blood clots, and immune system bullshit. Basically this gives them total digital top down control to micromanage everything economically with their herd of peasants. In order to pull this off they have to crash the US economy. I saw some things leak today suggesting Biden was going to announce a lockdown and ban on interstate travel and a full osha mandate for all employees to be vaxed or fined beyond recognition. Suppose that was coordinated with Europeans and they clued their fav hedgefund trader into it who was positioned massively to the downside like he was prior to the European raid on our markets over Thanksgiving. Then something changed 15 mins after Biden went soft on more fed resources to hospitals and a patriotic beg to vax, because he said he needed to hedge to the long side and hastily did after Biden wrapped up. I’ve never seen him leave this much money on the table (100M not selling Monday), be this exposed to one direction for nearly a week, etc. Now I hear he may exit his long hedged before EUROPE STOCK MARKETS OPEN. Europe opens in our early AM and then still trades for a few hours while our stock market is open. In theory they could instigate a bear raid or a sell off in US markets like they did during Thanksgiving, cause markets to retreat into year end, etc. This is all a matter of speculation. People fuck up. Maybe he did and it’s all a coincidence. But I think my radar is up. ---- The nazis banned vaccines as jewish poison, never quarantined the healthy, never demanded children wear face masks, never enforced distancing, and treated jews with more rights than these jew marxist covid cultists treat the purebloods. Simply put you’re barking up the wrong tree. ---- I’m totally out of my bearish positions if it wasn’t clear. We may see more declines today yet but I still think it reverses up before we drop below 4530 level. I mentioned I am going to pull half my trading assets out of the market. It’s like Goodman said in The Gambler, ‘any asshole knows what to do if you're up 2.5M, you buy a house with a thirty year roof, a Japanese economy shitbox car, and put the rest into the system earning 2.5% and that’s your fortress of solitude putting you forever in a position of FUCK YOU!’ Well, today that happens so world, FUCK YOU. ---- Understand something. My read on these vax mandate rulings is that we will not win. Desantis and Abbott will cuck and say the right things and them shrug it off that it’s Biden’s doing and help the biz in their state bring in scab labor to keep shit running while you go home broke to starve. They will strong arm the private sector to use the digital passport systems. They will get it. The SC will sign off on their 14k a day fines per person who is unvaxed and not touch it like they didn’t touch the vote fraud, letting lower court rulings stand. Unless you are prepared right now right this instant to go to war, shoot them in your face, and lose what you have… the right move in my opinion is to hold it together and survive. Build networks of people who give jabs who will inject the sink for you. Smile and nod go along. The shitlibs get on your list and you sabotage them and fuck them up. Make false accusations against them. Accuse them of forging the vax pass or sexual harassment or whatever. Then bring in your out of work pure blood buds with their fake vax status. ---- I have a thesis that acceleration helps them. In a collapse people need a scape goat and a hero who would be the unvaxed and daddy gubament here to build back better. This is textbook tyranny launch maneuvers. To win would be to organize cells to terrorize the tyrants, bluff the system, forge vax certs, hold onto normal, take care of eachother, make their plans at destruction fail. I think you may misread the normies reactions to acceleration. I think they’d happily look the other way at rounding us up to ‘keep them safe’ and blame us for the shortages and financial crash. Thoughts? ---- Don’t get me wrong. I like Ron in some ways. I like Abbott in some ways. I’m technically a Floridian. I live in Tx. Two best govs of big states there is. BUT There is no solution at the federal level. Best you get is a speed bump to clown world and the inevitable. Trump couldn’t put a dent in the swamp and neither will Ron. Both wear the smol hat and kiss the wall. ---- The jews tricked White Christians from the US and the UK to murder this glorious state of genetic perfection. ---- You obviously do not go with the nice security men here to take you to the concentration camp. My thinking is you man the fuck up and do what you can to level the odds for the next bloke on their list. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956 leatCrakerzNBed: You know what body armor DOESN' T WORK against? A jumped 240v circuit to a copper plate by the doors, no breaker to save them and water basically turns them into a filament. This might sound extreme, but I read the part about "indefinite" and at the behest of their state's own dictator. Is that any less extreme than knowing how simple chloroform is to make with frozen Chlorine bleach and a Hydrogen peroxide drip emitter before a simple distillation process? People need to start understanding their options, unless they think a life sentence in a fucking commie camp is just going to be chilling out with 3 hots and a cot until this whole thing blows over. Pro tip: once the COVID bullshit fizzles, they're just going to switch the 2 words on the sign over the camp you're all stuck in from "covid" to "climate"...their other equally fictional commie narrative. ---- Black_Rabbi: First they came for the jews and I said nothing because I'm not a jew Then they came for the blacks and I said nothing because I'm not black Then they came for the gays and I said nothing because I'm not gay Then they stopped coming for people because all our problems were solved. ---- “Morning Dad. Wanted you to know life in Texas is grand. Miss ya and it would be nice to see you. Just thought you might find this relevant to your current predilection against mingling with the pure bloods. Remember when we were kids and you use to scold us to study hard and get a profession so we would never be so poor or desperate as to have to sell the use of our bodies for medical experimentation? Well that lesson really hit home with me and stuck. So thanks!” Concentration camps, apartheid, bankrupt nations, bleak futures, coerced medical experimentation, endless human rights violations, piles of bodies. This world is a horror show. ---- White men can invalidate much of clown world’s tainted scales against them with the dual tactics of withdrawing participation and the threat of violence. “Oh you want to divorce rape me?” - can’t if you get ‘lost’ in the state game lands on a hike. “Oh you want me enslaved paying for niggers?” - go paint houses for a living for cash, declare 35k of income and get an earned income tax credit back. Be a nigger to the system that hates you and wants you dead. ---- KeepNHGranite: When I post examples & examinations of the open Anti-White hate campaign that permeates Western Civ., there are inevitably replies from White Christians proclaiming, "They don't hate White people - they hate Christians!" Listen. Is there a war on Christianity? Yes. But, frankly, it pales in comparison to the White-hot war on White people. - "Critical Christ Theory" is not taught in schools (Critical Race Theory) - "Anti-Christism" is not a stated tenet of academia, big business, & government (Anti-Racism) - "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion" boards & initiatives don't exist to police & exclude Christians (as they do White people) - "Abolish Christianness!" is not a mainstream, celebrated call for the genocide of Christians (Abolish Whiteness!) - Walmart, CocaCola, AT&T, The Salvation Army, & an endless list of businesses & organizations don't put their employees through "Christ People Bad" training - they put them through "White People Bad" training - There is not an unrelenting stream of media headlines that openly blame, dehumanize, & attack Christianity like there is the same that attacks White people - There is no continuous, popular, deconstructionist assertion that Christianity doesn't actually exist (versus the same assertion that White people don't actually exist) - There is no thought given to the religious affiliation of people like Nick Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, the McMichaels & Bryan, & James Fields before the media & popular culture make them the darkest demons to ever walk the earth. They demonize these men because these men are White. - Darrell Brooks wasn't weaponized by a cultural Anti-Christian campaign & didn't conduct an Anti-Christian massacre. Brooks was weaponized by a cultural Anti-White campaign & conducted an Anti-White massacre. I could fill the internet with further examples, but I'll stop there. Replying with the observable anti-Christian sentiment I've already acknowledged does not disprove the observable reality of what I'm stating here, or mitigate the immense difference. You want me to see that there's a war on Christianity. I see it. I agree. I want you to see that there's a war on White people that will consume you long before the war on Christianity does. They're happy to exploit Christianity if they can do so to the detriment of White people. There are many examples of Christianity itself being infiltrated, bastardized, & used against White people with the aforementioned CRT, Anti-Racism, & DEI initiatives. They've made many White Christians hate themselves for being White, not for being Christian. If the people in control could snap their fingers tomorrow & make A) Christians or B) White people go away, which do you think they'd pick? If your answer is Christians, you live in a different dimension than I do. I'm not telling you that you're not hated for being Christian. You are. I am telling you that you are immeasurably more hated - & under much more immediate threat - for being White. ---- Maxwell was a supermod on reddit, had 16M karma, was a sr mod / admin on the major news board there deciding what news stories to promote or kill, organized sex parties for Reddit executives, and apparently used reddit to seek out lonely young women to entrap in her underage sex for blackmail schemes. I am making 0 of this up. All verified over and over. /r/Epstein if it’s still around. ---- KekistMuralSmiter: Christianity IS the root of laws and governance at the moment. Which is precisely the problem. It is the basic source of all the egalitarianism -- feminism, Negrolatry, open borders, "just one race, the human race," the lot. "All made in the image of God" is the direct source of the destructive, suicidal egalitarian frenzy driving our people into extinction. Leftism is just slightly reskinned Christianity. "There shall be neither Greek nor jew, male nor female, but all shall be one in Christ Jesus" is indistinguishable from our anti-White tranny feminist overlords, other than a few trivial ritual differences. The only reason it didn't manifest sooner was that 1. Christianity was "Germanized," ie Paganized, up until the Reformation and Counter-Reformation gradually purged those elements, a process largely completed by approximately the start of the 18th century, and 2. people were still close enough to the animal necessities of survival daily to be forced to ignore the Kool-Aid drinking utopian, or flat-out insane, B.S. infused throughout the religion. ---- racist yes, but not a full fledged nazi. As to why? Because I’m concerned this is happening again. I’m trying to help my kin get their share of the printed shekels and also I enjoy the market dynamics. I’d be happy to return to America of 1980’s and 1990’s but it’s too far gone so the goose steppers will come and when they do that will be the right side to be on… for survival. ---- Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer scientist sent this out May Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear. (December 2019-March 2020) – Mount a fake pandemic in China. – Kill tens of thousands of elderly people. – Increase the number of cases and deaths – Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning. – Focus all attention on Covid-19. Result, (almost) general panic Phase 2: Sow the tares and division. (March 2020-December 2020) – Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures. – Paralyze trade and the economy. – Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority. – Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division. – Censoring dissident leaders. – Punish disobedience. – Generalize PCR tests. – Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead. – Disqualify all effective treatments. – Hope for a rescue vaccine. Result, (almost) general panic. Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution. (December 2020-June 2021) – Offer a free vaccine for everyone. – Promise protection and return to normality. – Establish a herd immunization target. – Simulate a partial recovery of the economy. – Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections. – Passing off the side effects of the injections as “natural” effects of the virus and the disease. – Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus. – Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold. – Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing. – Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents. Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code. (June 2021-October 2021) – Voluntarily plan for shortages. – Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant. – Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others. – Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx. – Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx. – Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx. Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022) – Exploit the shortage of goods and food. – Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops. – Let unemployment explode. – Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters). – Take up the murder of the living old men. – Impose compulsory vaccination for all. – Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd. – Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead. – Arrest opposition leaders. – Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card … – Establish martial law to defeat the opposition. Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents. Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022) – Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks. – To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients. – Activate the «Great Reset». – De-materialize money. – Cancel debts and loans. – Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet) – Seize properties and land. – Ban all global medicines, including total ban on herbal medicine. – Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually. – Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius. – Extend the measures to emerging countries. ---- I had a similar situation where I ‘agreed’ to take an unapproved tetanus booster which turned out to be an experimental shot. I liked the doctor and just never occurred to me I was nothing more than a lab rat to this fucker. Had bouts of low grade auto immune causing skin problems after that and a begin cancer growth on my wind pipe removed a year later. Don’t know if related but I strongly suspect the two are related. I would stay well and clear of any injection at this point and thoroughly investigate the specific manufacture of anything you give your kids. The japs in particular should be compared to. When I moved and demanded my medical records they put up such a huge fucking fit. They insisted on knowing what doctor I would be using. ‘None of your business now give me my records or I’ll sue’ ---- I have no power, I never did, and will be denied in the future because I am a White man holding all the wrong sorts of ideas. If I try to be a public civil rights leader for Whites I’ll be promptly killed or financially destroyed as they have all the others. I am but one man of a repressed minority against a global hegemony of satanic Jewish power. Despite that I have skimmed a small nest egg of a few million dollars from their financial market ponzi scheme, which I mention because it is resources to free up my time to help in other ways… but is also a risk of losing it like happened to the people behind the Charlottesville assembly. I have calculated, correctly I think, the most effective way I can counter this to any extent what so ever, is by encouraging subversive tactics to withdraw from their system to the extent possible and foster ‘a billion little acts of rebellion an hour’ from my fellow Whites. ---- Wehrmacht: Whites are the only race sophisticated enough to compartmentalize their racism (inherent in all "humans") and give every individual a fair shake. ---- Bailfund for Kyle not allowed. Bail Fund for domestic terrorist who mowed down 50 wypipo at a Christmas parade… no problem. Kyle shows more support publicly for nigger terrorists than 50 White victims. And the scum lawyer gets 7-8M of the 10M raised for Kyle while he gets nothing. All in all a fair and just world. No? ---- RoyalMajestyOfWhiteness: Within the next 12 months everyone will understand why the KKK existed. ---- KEEP UP THE PRESSURE. They scared “Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” Collins told the Washington Post. Citing an onslaught of angry messages directed at Dr. Anthony Fauci, who Collins appears to believe is above criticism, the bureaucrat demanded that those responsible for such behavior should be identified and “brought to justice.” The article cited one such example of “misinformation” being Fauci’s involvement in barbaric experiments conducted on dogs by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), despite the fact that such cruelty factually occurred under Fauci’s leadership. While Collins didn’t specify precisely what he meant by “brought to justice,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla previously asserted that individuals who spread false information about COVID vaccines are “criminals” who “have literally cost millions of lives.” The Online Safety Bill, described as “the flagship legislation to combat abuse and hatred on the internet,” will apparently include a provision that jails “antivaxers spreading false information that they know to be untrue” for a period of two years. ---- Sorry friend Nuremberg was a total farce that international jeudo pulled off after torturing (teeth removal, crushed testicles) the captures German high command who didn’t oft themselves and their family like Hitler and Goebbels did. Before you write me off think if you want to have an open mind on this dig into it. The people perpetrating this genocide are who won WW2, who massacred 1/4 billion people including 100 million White Christians and 150 million asians with communism and war and their 1917 Spanish flu plague, a repeat of which we’re in now. If these people are actually in on a genocide and they are making comments like this they are scared and they are calling for help from the men with guns to intimidate or kill us. This is a mayday call. If they are willing to poison half of humanity they will do anything else against us. Were no longer an annoyance we are a threat. ---- What if… Europe was behind covid and the coup against Trump using the CIA tools Soros had Assange publish that runs their rogue nation spy apparatus that rigged EU 2018 and 2020 US elections? The BBB bill they proposed here made US less competitive and more taxed than Europe. I note Biden and Pelosi ran off to the pope for guidance when that bill ran into trouble. What if the plan was for Europe, through the WEF and the Rothschilds to kneecap the US? What if the energy crisis in Europe between Putin and US is our response against you and what if you all fucking have it coming? Note Ted Cruz, married to a Goldman Sachs exec, is blocking ambassador picks and was instrumental in getting Nordstream shut down. Remember no one took covid serious in China and then Iran. It wasn’t until Italy, who now admits all the deaths were bullshit, scared the rest of the Western world. So now Europe is doing passports not because we are making them, the idea killed for the most part here except for 2-3 cities and some mega corps, but because they have to restrict energy use this winter and these are a mechanism to keep people confined to their homes. Let me try this a different way… By Europe I mean the combination of globalist Jews, the black royalty, the jesuits, the WEF, Rothchilds, Schwab, Bilderbetg, Pope, etc. Soros is the conduit for them to public manipulations of US society backing communists at local level and causing problems all over. He made his money currency manipulation and other inside info gleamed from manipulating global policy. (Go long energy derivatives before strong arming politicians to disrupt energy supply). He and Assange share a common fuck girl and I maintain the CIA tools that were stolen and Assange posted were used by Soros for his rogue nation intelligence outfit. I maintain they are behind covid, the hacked rigged 2018 EU elections, the coup against Trump in 2020, and the attempt to economically cripple the US with Biden’s BBB bill that would have taxed wealth and income beyond levels in the EU thus making the US less economically desirable than the EU allowing you to get ‘your’ people and assets back. I maintain Merkel was in on this. I maintain that Russia and factions within the US are working together to fuck Europe over for their crimes and the energy shit is one such bit. Perhaps Ukraine military moves are in preparation to split the country. The US has weakened it’s manufacturing base it has not crippled it. Much high end important goods are still produced here. The base components were off shored and they can be made here again if needed. Something like 5-6T is still manufactured in the US every year. Just think about it… it’s an interesting theory. And yes the covid hot spots went from China (no one cared) to Iran (no one cared) to northern Italy (Trump freaked out and banned travel). ---- Prophesying Your Doom: Did you yell "GOOD BOY! YOU KILLED THAT THIEVIN' COON GOOD! ALL THOSE SONZABITCHES DO IS STEAL AND REPRODUCE!" at the top of your lungs? If not, you fail at being Texan sir. JCS: Well I followed this advice this morning in my cowboy slippers, boxer shorts, and stetson but the dogs I said it to looked like I lost my damn mind. It felt decidedly Texas though. My initiation ritual is complete! Thanks Fren! ---- Lol oh this is rich. The Chinese communist Biden nominated to be Comptroller of the currency is currently under consideration as a nominee in the senate. There are some clips of her discussing bankrupting energy companies as a matter of govt policy, seizing all bank accounts to put in federal reserve, taking the money if needed, etc. They’ve all been memory holed and scrubbed from YT but turns out she was arrested for stealing $250 worth of clothes earlier in her life. I don’t spook easily but if this cunt is allowed in treasury bad things will happen. ---- Ok. Basic education time and then a real 300 level course in how to make bank and better understand what I post. US stock market is at least 5000 significant publicly traded companies over several exchanges like tech and biotech heavy Nasdaq, the New York stock exchange, the American stock exchange for smaller companies, and over the counter pink sheets for very small companies and penny stocks, etc. There are four main indexes (lists of companies where they measure the aggregate performance of the stocks in them). So lets take all the companies and rank them from largest amount of market cap (the combined value of all the publicly traded shares of the company) like Microsoft and Apple at $2 trillion each down to the very bottom like marrypoppinsdollarstores dot com worth 50 million. Dow Jones Industrial Average - 30 hand selected companies supposedly representing the total American economy. It’s a big number at 36,300 but the least relevant index to trade with. S&P500 - 500 largest publicly traded stocks. This is THE INDEX. It’s like 80% of the total stock market. NASDAQ 100 - 100 largest companies listed on Nasdaq, very tech heavy where Apple & Microsoft list. Russell 2000 - Rank the biggest 3000 largest companies by market cap and take the bottom 2000. This index is volatile and more closely mirrors fundamental economic performance than large company indexes. You can trade these indexes in real time using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) such as IYY, SPY, QQQ, and IWM. They get very close to following the actual indexes, which are just reference points… not tradable. Index is not tradable, Mutual Funds are daily and ETFs are in real time. There are leveraged ETFs that let you trade in 2 and 3 multiples in either direction. So if you think Nasdaq goes up 5% you can make close to 15% by buying a TQQQ, the leveraged fund. Or SPXU the triple leveraged inverse fund for S&P goes up 3 times the rate S&P goes down. has a nifty listing of them and anyone with a brokerage account can buy them. See attached. There are also futures contracts (bets on where people think those indexes will be at points in the future that help push market up and down after hours) and option contracts on the ETFs which are like insurance contracts or point spread sports bets. This is how people get very rich on the stock market. If you can predict the S&P index goes up 1-2% in a week (say from 4700 to 4750) you can double your money by gambling that the SPY ETF goes from 470 to 475 by buying a 470 call option that expires at a certain time in the future. Now this might cost you $150 on Mon when the index is 4700 but if the index goes to 4750 by Fri that $150 option (denoted as SPY 11/19 $470 call) will be worth $500 which makes you 233% gain on a 1% move in the index Market Education Part 2: (read part 1 first I can’t pin it) Now you have your four main indexes (Dow, S&P, Nasdaq, Russell) and in addition there are indexes that measure volatility (a metric of how many bearish Put options are bought to bullish Call options) like VIX, volatility of volatility VVIX, the ten year treasury bond yield TNX and a whole host of other things. There are also ETFs that let you approximately trade things like volatility (VXX), ten year treasury going up and down in 3x multiples (TMF and TMV), and commodities like Silver and Gold (SLV, GLD, NUGT), Oil and Natural Gas (USO and UNG), etc. There are also sectors that let you trade smaller collections of stocks like Energy XLE, Financials XLF, Miners XME, etc. For example Nasdaq is made up of three subsets of companies; large cap tech, mid and small cap tech, smaller biotech. The small cap biotech has an ETF that goes up 3 times the rate that index of companies goes down tradable with LABD (more on this later). The relationship between treasury yield and volatility and the four indexes paints a picture that can be analyzed and used to predict market behavior. For example when ten year yield goes down that signals the large traders are more inclined to prefer safer assets so Russell index performs the worst and larger cap stocks in the S&P and Nasdaq do better. When yield goes up it can (doesn’t always) cause nasdaq to outperform the other indexes. The way volatility changes also reflects market sentiment and can predict changes in the underlying stock market indexes. For example when the volatility index has three consecutive trading days of higher lows you will get at least 1-2 days of market declines averaging 1-3% 90% of the time. This is how I made a lot of money early last week when the market fell 2-3%. There are professional analysts that do this for a living and share their thoughts and models and amateur traders like me can use them to speculate in the market for a living or a side hobby. I’m with a group of 5-6 guys that do this for a hobby and have some experience in the financial sector. Between us we share various investment subscriptions that cost $ and discuss different theories and share info. I’m prob the most aggressive trader of the bunch but the least qualified and the only one who does it for a living. They keep me around because I’m occasionally brilliant and have an intuition that proves very useful at times. I like you guys and have just started sharing some of what I know and do here hoping it is useful and also because I want to practice communicating this info effectively as we may get more serious about doing investment advisory services next year. Market Education 300 level Course: What has happened this year is the Fed Reserve has dumped well over a trillion dollars of liquidity (money that can be spent and speculated) into the stock market. The market is no longer a bunch of guys trading individual stocks like 1980’s Wall Street movies. Everyone invests in Mutual Funds and ETFs called passive investing, like 60-70% of stock market trading right now. If liquidity comes into the market the stocks of those indexes rise because they have to be bought to make the S&P index mutual funds bigger. For example Vanguard’s total stock market index fund is worth 1.2T and State Street’s SPX ETF is another 400 billion. All combined there is probably 4-5 trillion in funds that invest in the S&P 500 index. Money moving into and out of these funds (liquidity injection and drawdown) drives the market. What’s worse/better depending how you look at it is stock options and futures contracts (derivatives) are even driving the market more than liquidity because these big funds sell them to other big financial companies that use them to manage risk and offer more aggressive investment vehicles like those leveraged ETF funds from post 2. We’ve essentially gotten into a tail wagging the scenario environment. Derivatives expire so those predictions of gains and losses have to occur in a specific time frame. If they don’t the purchaser of the derivative can lose money. That $150 call option that went to $500 in my earlier comment could have gone to $0. It’s more complex with futures but the principle is the same… your trade has a timer on it. The timing of when options and futures expire combined with dramatic shifts in derivative sentiment (how bearish or bullish people are) now drive the market to a large extent. Take a look at NYMEX crude futures that expired 11/16, the right most column sentiment was 100% bullish. Those expired yesterday and the remaining Dec and Jan contracts are only 50% bullish. That 100% to 50% sentiment is what drove the price of oil down today. Oil can be traded with USO down 2.1% today and the energy sector XLE followed suit being down 1.8%. I shorted both USO and XLE making 2-2.5%. However I also bought put options on both late yesterday (USO $56 and $55 puts and XLE $57 and $56 puts) that I sold for 120% gains and 300-400% gains respectively. GETTING IT YET? if I was wrong I’d have lost most of what I speculated with so there is risk. !!! Now… look at SPX monthlies. We’re going from 56% sentiment to 95% sentiment when they expire Fri. THAT IS ALMOST GUARANTEED TO DRIVE THE MARKET UP BIG INTO DECEMBER !!! The way to play this is try to time the market bottom this week (Thurs or Fri mid day) and then go long into next week. More specific trades will be provided later. ---- I know who the leadership is, sadly Vanguard put a kike in charge to. They recently started laying off and outsourcing departments now. Blackrock is also RECENTLY STARTED to use their proxy vote capabilities to get leftist woke on corporate questions. This isn’t actually as draconian as people make it out to be and will likely lead to law suits curtailing the practice. Companies will also very carefully decide what to put up for a shareholder vote. Historically both companies have been excellent places for the everyman to safely and securely invest their assets for retirement and savings. Bogle pioneered the mutual fund model 50 years ago and BlackRock bought iShares which invented the complex ETF enabling people to invest in things they normally wouldn’t be able to (like oil or commodities). I’m not blind to the way these companies could abuse the size of assets under management. It’s something to keep a very careful eye on. But neither is the horseshit and constant drumbeat of stupidity and bullshit about these two companies from the alt right helpful either. Say what you will about me I am interested in the truth and will admit when I am wrong. We should all strive to determine truth and be accurate. That’s White culture. ---- I called this over a year ago too. Only reason to go back that far in simus cavity is for DNA. ---- This retired fed who gets a pension from the govt doesn’t know, or pretends not to know what a private retirement fund like an IRA or a 401K is. The vast majority of money managed by Vanguard and Blackrock is owned by normal every day Americans in their retirement funds. Do you think maybe 18 trillion would be a juicy target for the evil deep staters wanting to get their hands on? DO YOU SEE WHY THEY ARE PUSHING THIS BULLSHIT AGENDA YET? ---- We’ve reached the reeducation camp phase of the dystopian hell that is America Ok Just understand something… Trump and Brexit scared them. Covid medial martial law was our punishment. This is them testing to see of Whites can be ‘redeemed’ to function as farm animals in the Jewish capital farm. We of course can’t as we like our freedom. So resist but as you do, UNDERSTAND THIS: It leaves them only one other option, try to destroy us. ---- Looking like the behind the scenes negotiations between the jewish socialists running the senate finance committee negotiating the BBB porkulus and tax hike bill running into some pushback from the head of the 12 figure club in regards to ‘unrealized capital gains taxes’. I’ll say it first here… couple of senators aren’t going to make it to election day. ---- Happy Christ on a stick day. If you aren’t thinking about switching over to Odin better get your mind right, cause humpday gets lit! ---- Your degenerate tribe commandeered our civilizations, murdered over a hundred million us, and is currently genociding us with your clot shot poison injection. In-between all the debt enslavement, genitalia mutilation, poisoning campaigns, and other insundry offenses against anything and everything that is good and humane… You can cry out in pain while you strike us all you want, but know this, when we shove your putrid fetid race into the fires to cleanse the world of you once and for fucking all we’ll just accuse you of being White supremacists and we’ll be fixing racism or some forked tongue double speak that adds insult to the injury we intend you. jesus christ how much more jewish can you fucking get. No, I’d see to it your entire blood line is expunged from the genetic record just as your tribe is doing to us. There is no compromise. Total fucking war… down to the last man, woman, and child. Winner gets to rebuild civilization or do the best they can with their POC slave races without our blood. Might have to do some manual work… the horror. ---- A teenage white girl is raped in a high school, sodomized by a tranny freak. His mother wears a rainbow mask and says she had it coming. Her father is physically attacked at a school board meeting by police on the order of the board head who covered up the two rapes. He then goes on Tucker to proclaim how much respect he has for trannies. His daughter gets to attend a humiliating ‘it’s the victim’s fault’ class by this same school. In a just fucking world the freak is killed and dumped into the bog, his mother burnt at the stake, the school board head hung, the cops driven out of town, and the school burnt down by an irate mob of angry parents. Unfuckimg real. Of course the kike AG calls the parents terrorists. FUCK THIS COUNTRY. ---- You just can’t fix stupidity. Sir, do you have any investments? A retirement fund? If you had a $1000 you could invest it in any of these mutual funds and ETFs. BlackRock would ‘manage’ the money the same way a bank manages the money in your checking account. They just hold it for you and enable investment strategies you couldn’t achieve yourself. Take a look. Blackrock just copied the Vanguard business model and offers more sophisticated investment strategies than Vanguard. The CEO of blackrock is a kike but that doesn’t change anything I’ve said. I never called him a freedom fighter for the little guy. Jack Bogle was. He founded Vanguard. He helped save the little guy from bankrupt pension systems as IRAs and 401Ks became introduced. Man was a saint. You ought to buy his book you might learn something. I put a 3 min clip of him down below. Sadly he died recently but his legacy lives on and will continue to unless brain dead envious idiots like you enable kike politicians to destroy these companies. Be Jews. Be coveting goyim wealth. Propose wealth tax from Jew treasury sexretary Have goyim slave congress critters legislate wealth tax Claim its only for the top 1000 people after declaring you want to reclaim land the size of 3-4 Texas. Interject propaganda to stupid alt right angry goyim that the companies they choose to help them manage their wealth like Blackrock and Vanguard control everything and bought their houses. DO YOU SEE? DO YOU SEE? Hand rubbing intensifies ---- This is why they are attacking BlackRock and Vanguard. They want to seize wealth and thats where it is invested with. They claim this is for the rich only but that’s why they care about $600 in your bank account see… so if you think these well connected handful of billionaires is their target you’re delusional. What they want is to know where the money is so they can take it as the jews ultimate talmudic vision for owning it all and ruling us all from Israel comes from. ---- Well at least you got a little fire in your belly finally. Of course as I’ve been constantly saying, Christianity is White genocide and they will turn on Aryans and white Nationalists before they lift one solitary finger to do anything about the corruption and degeneracy at their own churches. I love the White race. Christianity will need to be kneecapped before any conflict otherwise they will side with their jew pals and back stab us just like they did in WW2. ---- You know what you do in America? You make money. You make fucking money in America. That’s what you do. If you’re not making money in America you’re fucking up. ---- BroadTorpedoFish: When it's finally accepted that these vaxes are hurting people... and eventually, that day WILL come... I want executions for every politician that pushed them on kids. ---- I think this 5-12 vax initiative is going to result in enough dead kids to make things interesting. Was just talking to a doc. Thinks 0.05% to 0.1% of kids in this age range just keel over from the shot. If they nab 20M in very short order of getting jabbed so that’s 10k to 20k. He also thinks viral interference down the road will claim a large number from related upper respiratory infections including RSV which american hospitals are notorious for giving to kids. I read the Pfizer study document from 2020. The extreme effects from this get worse the younger you go. They are taking a huge risk here. It could be much worse. I wonder if the demonic god they sacrifice these kids to will be satisfied with the offering.